What an excellent manga. Other than how good the main characters were as kids, it's probably the most realistic sports manga about soccer that's been made. Well, other than the main character not having a GF despite being a stud sportsman, that's probably rather unlikely as well, but it makes the narrative more interesting. 9.5/10, but upped to 10/10 since they don't do the sports management cliche of whole volumes for one game in a tournament, or even really a tournament per volume. The pace is high for time passing, which makes it feel a lot more real. It makes it feel like a super-close documentary about their lives, rather than the usual hyper-close super drawn-out narrative you get in other sports mangas. If you don't know anything about soccer, I'd say it might be a little bit of a tough read, but I would still recommend trying it out. Looking for a similar in feel manga? I'd try All-Rounder Meguru for the same close but not dragging style of narrative, although that manga relies much more heavily on humor, compared to this one.