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While it is not right to commit suicide and leave behind Legoshi [Rather this is not full story yet], this allow us under stand why she felt compelled to do so.
In her early life, Leano identity was conflicted between the nature of a Hybrid. So when it was assumed there no hybrid nature and she saw the simplicity of being a wolf, Leano changed her identity to that as a wolf. Notice the effort she did so that she studied about how to be a wolf [normally don’t need to study their own species].
However, when her established identity was changing involuntary, that would freak anyone out to depression. Especially when she dependent on popularity to be the school’s Idol.
If her hybrid nature did not come later, in that she was mixed at the start [some fur and some scales] would have been fine in life as she would have adapted to hybrid nature, which would have been part of her established identity. It isn’t that she doesn’t want to be like Gosha, but the change in identity .
Heck, if grandma did not die [assumed childbirth or something], then having support from a wolf in the identity changes would have been better.
In a way, her situation was worse than Meron. To lose one identity vs not establishing one that would have worked.
Knowing her backstory allows us to understand Legoshi more as well. Per chapter 85, Legoshi knows why Leano committed suicided, which this chapter identity change is enough to explain. So most of Legoshi’s actions not to stand can be link this: if he does change, lose his fur like his mom, better not too dependent on that identity. Make as few friends as possible in case he himself does change.
One of the themes is about Nature vs Nurture. Nature seems to be resolved, and Nurture can prevail. But then Nurture also its down sides, since Nurture is what helps establish one identity…
Love Legoshi’s face when he hears parents sex life and how he was a one stand.
While I would say poor Gosha, I wish he did more silent ninja guardian over Legoshi, his last family member… instead of just trusting him because he family.
Btw, found age plothole: Current Year is 2018 since Legoshi was born 19-Apr-00 and just turned 18. Chapter 103 Said Gosha and & Grandma Hook up 36 years ago, for year 1982. Assuming Human pregnancy of 9 months [human based and need to use condom like humans], I assume Leano was born in 1983. So Leano should be 16 when Legoshi was conceived, and 17 when Legoshi was born. However, This chapter say Leano was 19 when Legoshi was conceived.