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Time to do my usual chapter review
7 days to grow Antlers. Yet in chapter 26, Louis noted 10 days to make fake antler
Regardless of keeping away of BAM, Louis should talk to Legoshi since they are friends…
Luz, Juno hate bugs while Legoshi loved them. Juno really thought she had a chance with Legoshi…..
The no inner voice reminds me of chapter 59 when Legoshi said he was still a Virgin
While many would call Azuki a bitch for that question, she does have a valid point. I’m sure she heard rumors of Oguma troubles making a child, and Oguma is Louis “father”. Granted, how would Louis know the answer to that since simply having sex doesn’t mean they will have a baby.
What with the “I’m awake” sign. Granted there are two incidents with Sebun walking in [almost eaten and seeing Naked Legoshi], but he could simply lock the door.
Luz, Bill asked Legoshi if he can tell Dom and Pina Legoshi room number in chapter 101. Legoshi said no way. Bill still tells the whole club that Juno knows.
TBF, Louis reason for pushing away Juno is quite valid. Juno is going after Louis is same way as she went after she went after Legoshi without noting the other person. Louis’ problem is not the interspecies love, but the arranged marriage He can’t really back down from that since that is his whole purpose. The only way he avoid arranged marriage is if he brings values to the Horns Conglomerate in a different way [such as becoming Beastar]. Problem is Louis pretty much forgot about that route for now.
Ending thoughts: I can see this whole love conflict with Juno being a reason for Louis to go after Meron. Louis also deals with interspecies reminds him about Meron?
I hope we get Juno flashback before continuing this since we need to know results of Adler play
Also, Juno going Interspecies love is Wrong Legoshi Sempai in Chapter 45, to Legoshi Sempai, the great master of Interspecies love, teach me. Going to former crush to ask help on new crush. I don't think that how it works.