BEASTARS - Vol. 22 Ch. 194 - Eternity Until Every Window Turns Dark

Aug 8, 2018
Yeah... at this point I will fully admit that Louis and Legoshi have better chemistry than the people they’re supposed to be dating.
Nov 11, 2019
I think this was a very cool chapter. Good on Louis for cutting things off with Juno eventually. Nice clean break.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
I have more investment in Juno and Louis as a couple than Legosi and Haru, so it's sad to see the ship sink like this. They have some real chemistry, while Legosi has such a patronizing attitude towards Haru (and herbivores in general) that his attraction feels more obsessive than romantic.

I wish we could've seen more of Azuki. She carries a different kind of strength, to go ahead with marrying a dude who puked at the mere thought of sleeping with her.
Double-page supporter
Mar 12, 2020
I'm glad louis and juno never ended up together! it wouldve been really uncomfortable when he's a ceo whos already graduated when she's still in school. unrelated, but i hate how haru's been totally sidelined in this last stretch of the series. shes just been turned into a sexy lamp, honestly
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
If he wants some fangs he can always ask Legosi for some.

Like actually for real ask him, he can take out his fangs and regrow them at will, what were you thinking? that i want them to kiss?

Well yeah, they have the best romance in the series.
Aug 25, 2019
I feel like Louis could've at least been like let's wait a bit or something. This shit is just getting more and more disappointing as it goes on for me. Juno and Louis had alot of good chemistry together and the fact he chose the girl for the political marriage over the girl he knew would make him happier in the long run instead was just dumb. They deserved each other.
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019
inb4 next chapter has Louis bust out of the train and chase her like it's the last five minutes of a Hollywood romcom. Probably complete with some ridiculous line about how he's an herbivore hunting a carnivore.

I'm calling it now.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I dont think im liking the last arc much, i think im okay with this? Louise and juno thing not happining (yet) but uhh yeah a lot of stop kind got shoved to the side and became pointless wonder what happend? I feel like its not supposed to end yet but then peru decided to end it now.... oh well it was an honor reading this i just need to complete my volumes.
Sep 28, 2018
The highlight of this chapter for me is those adorable pugs playing with a Switch
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I have to say, from a technical aspect, this chapter is really, really something exemplar of pacing control and artistic composition to give tone to the actual plot/characters.

There are so many beautiful little cinematic tricks to make this chapter extra special, extra gooey with all that pre-teen summer flick badwrongfun, right down to Juno being a victorious girly girl Queen even after she knows she's been dumped twice (hell, before even real relationships got off the fucking ground, the poor girl's got awful romantic luck). I could easily imagine scenes this chapter being ripped from (or vice versa, being used to make) a romantic scene. The panels and lighting use are exquisite; they contract and expand just when they need to to portray passage of time and set tone for the conversation.

Paru did great here, I just wish I could describe how honestly impressive she was with this chapter. I don't know enough art-ology words to describe it.

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