I have to say, from a technical aspect, this chapter is really, really something exemplar of pacing control and artistic composition to give tone to the actual plot/characters.
There are so many beautiful little cinematic tricks to make this chapter extra special, extra gooey with all that pre-teen summer flick badwrongfun, right down to Juno being a victorious girly girl Queen even after she knows she's been dumped twice (hell, before even real relationships got off the fucking ground, the poor girl's got awful romantic luck). I could easily imagine scenes this chapter being ripped from (or vice versa, being used to make) a romantic scene. The panels and lighting use are exquisite; they contract and expand just when they need to to portray passage of time and set tone for the conversation.
Paru did great here, I just wish I could describe how honestly impressive she was with this chapter. I don't know enough art-ology words to describe it.