Beatrice - Vol. 1 Ch. 26

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 17, 2019
They can talk about how great he is until the cows come home, he's still a slaver and a murderer. Honestly.

I want a story like this where the monarchy gets toppled for once.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
i guess we're just either forgetting or retconning the first few chapters as well as everything bad he's done. now he's just a complete angel, he's kind and loving and just the best man ever, he totally doesn't murder innocents or hang around with rapists...
Apr 16, 2019
Why did he bring her along now again? Because he certainly does not seem to know anything or having asked anything about Chloe before deciding on taking her away from people that actually appreciated and had use of her abilities....

Also, him being nice to his subordinates does not change how his attitude has been up to now, nor what his subordinates has done and even he up until now...
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
i wish this does a 180 and he dies to the plage along with his equally detestable father

let his older sister who the father tried to kill at birth be the ruler


Something like George Washington gets reincarnated into a Nobel girl in salve owning , imperialism world. Wait...on second thought Georgie boi himself owned slaves...maybe Spartacus?
Sep 21, 2018
Everyone calling him a murderer and I just think of him as a soldier, guess I read too much military sci-fi.

I'll be curious how she reacts to him as an ally in battle (assuming we do have a battle coming up).
Jan 8, 2019
Uhh Chloe..
He wasn't a good person when he slayed your half sister, who cares what people say. You witness his cruelty first hand.
No, you're not a lucky slave Chloe. You have to serve the man that killed your family and destroyed your kingdom. Stop being so thirsty girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2019
it's kinda.... silly to try to espouse how great a man the archduke is because people (shrek voice) have Layers.

like a person can treat subordinates kindly and considerately, but they can still be heartless and cruel. their kindness doesn't excuse the violence they committed (if anything, i'd be more afraid of the person being able to compartmentalize their violent tendencies like so). also the author is really gonna have beatrice forget how the archduke treated the last princess (the blonde one) and how scummy some of his (high-ranking!!!) underlings are?????? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 i aint convinced. even if you repress the memories, the impression should still be lasting. dude's scummy and that's that
Mar 23, 2019
Why is he suddenly the best guy ever?
Since when is he good with people? I thought he hated humans 🤔
How come he was helping maids? Isn't he terrified of going near women?

the original ML was replaced, that's the only logical explanation
Mar 19, 2019
Rumors of the archduke assaulting and hitting women? The knights that knew him for 10 years won't lie?

Is this implying that Chloe is in a bit of disbelief of those rumors? Didn't he kill a lady in front of her in like, chapter 1 or 2?
Jun 9, 2019
@ Mangodude:

I think it's because Beatrice was part of the royal family that's why she was supposed to be dead by now, but in the end, turned into a slave by his mercy. Usually in a war, if you're the target, it doesn't matter if you're a girl, they'll kill you regardless unless you're a commoner who are affected secondarily.
Apr 8, 2019
His actions and stuff cannot be justified, but you all are forgetting that she was only brought into the royal family because they wanted to force a political marriage on her instead of any other family members (Cause she's half royalty). Her own family was trash to began with and so was her husband she was forced to marry. The archduke is a lot better than what she had when she was royalty, at least he tries to treat her like a human being and even spared her life when he didn't have to. He's still an asshole to women tho.
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
I honestly felt for the first bit of the chapter that the author was using side characters to try and brainwash the audience into thinking the ML is a great guy. It just feels really forced rather than it being an echoing of the reader's impression of him.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to make him a good guy character, nor is he the worst to appear in the story so far, however, I feel like the story isn't providing the needed development to support a more positive impression. I feel like I'm being told to like him rather than being persuaded to. As for Chloe it's almost like someone flicked a switch from "terrified this guy's going to kill me" to " wow he's a great guy and takes care of others."
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
@Aeriandra Yeah, it's been something on my mind since the beginning of the story. The author royally messed up by making the Archduke extremely vile. Now they're stuck trying to backpedal and exposite all this new info about him being humble and kind, completely pushing aside that he murdered Chloe's family regardless of them being scum themselves. Let's not forget that he was planning killing her too. Homeboy is gonna need an actual redemption arch that isn't just him spanking a thot or having Chloe hear how "nice" he actually is.

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