Thank you for reading, and you're welcome, my younger siblings ! I wish I could reply to all the kind and nice comments ๐ Anyway, there are some comments that I'd like to reply.
@misscocoleen Thank you for reading even my early translations ^^ and paying attention to my progress! I guess experience do matter.
@lasercats I use deepl for JP and CN. Unfortunately, it doesn't support Korean yet.
@KumaJa I guess that's the benefit of working alone... haha. I learned so much more than just machine translation.
@Darkmeep @Did-someone-say-isekai @KhalE Thank you for the offer! However, I don't take money from my younger siblings ^^ I was doing this originally for my sister and now as a hobby, the translations consume a negligible amount of time as compared to the amount of time spent by the author and artist so, do support them instead!
@randomonlooker When I was translating a Japanese manga, I had a Chinese reference and since I could understand Chinese to a certain extent, I did some rough translations from CN -> EN before using deepl for JP -> EN. Having the rough idea of the manga helped in constructing sentences and knowing the overall meaning. I think it will be a good idea for scanlation teams to do the same by preparing basic translation using a machine translator before asking a human translator because that will ease the translator tremendously. Anyway, the translation part isn't the only AI I used. I was using waifu2x (ignore the name, hahaha) for image manipulation since the raw photos are small. MTL in general is still pretty shunned by scanlation teams though.
Thank you again everyone and stay safe!