Oh my lord I don't think I've seen a more but hurt comment section since the Japan transmigration manga. It always amazes me there is a bunch of but hurt yanks and redditors complaining about a mangaka not sucking the USA's toes or china's enough. The current Japan has never needed to apologise for the past because they aren't the past; yet they have on multiple occasions and you're still unhappy?. Yet you don't ever hear the US government coming out apologising for all the Vietnamese, koreans, or all the of German soldiers that died in Eisenhower's deathcamps. I suppose this is par the course when your teaching of history is all "no one is as free and just as we are -- everyone else is wrong and no one else can have a different opinion or belief unless we approve of it". Leave Japan alone you self-righteous pricks and worry about yourself more than others. You lot complaining are probably no where even near Japan is, let alone in the same racial group. As soon as the US is erased of the map and the west goes back to dealing with their own issues and not sticking their fingers in other peoples culture and ideals the better the world will be. Its a good thing ignorant westerners opinions don't matter when it comes to the livelihood of Japanese mangaka.