Being able to "read" Notifs without having to open said Notif :planned:

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Active member
Feb 13, 2021
As I've read THIS as I'm supposed to and do not see it pending or rejected anywhere...
The ability to mark a notification as "read" so it doesn't show up in the menu bar on the top-left, rather than having to open the notification and where the notification is coming from - IE when you're already browsing threads and someone pings you, but the ping notification still shows up because you didn't open it via there.
Of course, same would go for another thread I had made, but had some rather rude dudes snarking in it for it having been a thread already.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018

I represent the "Suggestion to close the Suggestions forums" initiative. Thank you for making a suggestion.
As your suggestion was already suggested before, I invoke my authority to count it as a vote towards the "Suggestion to close the Suggestions forums."
You don't have to do anything and you cannot be excused from participating in our initiative.

Thank you for your contribution and have a nice day.

previous suggestion:
--- Inbox notification for deleted unread mail
--- Inbox notif shouldn't show when unopened messages are deleted
status: planned?
In the sticky: kinda (Forum rework)

Special note:
It's very rare to see someone spam their suggestion. Have a cookie. 🍪

Special explanation for the challenged:
Forum rework is planned, that means the entire system of messaging is going to change. Xenforo is the engine they plan on using, which has very extensive notification settings.
Active member
Feb 13, 2021
@Halo ; thanks for reaffirming my comment and suggestion - I clearly stated all notifications, including from pings and other areas, not "just messages/PMs" 👌🏻
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
I clearly stated all notifications, including from pings and other areas, not "just messages/PMs" 👌🏻

Xenforo is the engine they plan on using, which has very extensive notification settings.

Hope that makes it easier to read.
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