Page affected:
modification: ADD Language SELECT on result.
reason: frustrating when some groups put up 100+ chapter and i have to go to page 2-3-4 to reach the first usefull result. why? coz i don't know portogues / spanigh / chinese / dutch or other language so its useless for the user to have ALL LANGUAGE result. For example i read english so its USEFULL for me to FILTER the result with ONLY ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
modification: ADD Language SELECT on result.
reason: frustrating when some groups put up 100+ chapter and i have to go to page 2-3-4 to reach the first usefull result. why? coz i don't know portogues / spanigh / chinese / dutch or other language so its useless for the user to have ALL LANGUAGE result. For example i read english so its USEFULL for me to FILTER the result with ONLY ENGLISH LANGUAGE.