Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

Group Leader
Sep 30, 2019
LOL that scribbled message on page 9.
For a second I thought someone left a dying message in blood.
Dec 8, 2018
These hateful kids...can’t they have some compassion?! Would they only be satisfied until she’s dead too???
Aggregator gang
Sep 5, 2019
Oh, so now you’re concerned? I thought you said you wanted her to die? Leave her alone. She said she wanted to stay there, anyway 😂😂😂
Aggregator gang
Jul 24, 2019
It must be devastating to see your mother act and think so. For someone so young, it's amazing how Eugene was able to hold on.

I don't think it's his fault for feeling that way, and it's sad that he doesn't have anyone to confine to or how to deal with those emotions. It's not like Google existed then, and he always have to act like a good older brother. I can't completely blame him at all. He is trying his best.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Suckerforshipping: They're all kids, they can't control their emotions well.

So while logically Eugene know Hari isn't at fault, and that her presence is good for their mother (who's NOT calling her Arina), the feelings are still there, and he still fail to control it at times. He immediately regret the words he said each time it seem.

Erich and Cabel who are younger is even worse because they're not mature enough to think things through logically, so all that's left is just the emotional side.
Heck despite how he blamed himself about Arina being so weak, Erich probably didn't realize the consequence of almost killing Hari like this.
Jan 27, 2019
While I can understand why the brothers feel that way, this does not at all excuse their actions towards Hari. I also hope the readers who hated Hari in the beginning for constantly thinking about her wedding and etc realize that Hari was the main victim here. It’s not like the brothers simply called her names and such, but they nearly almost killed her.
Dec 24, 2018
That's so sad. This is actually with Franklin Pierce's (14th US president) wife. All of their children died young, including one who died in a gruesome train accident, and she would be seen "talking" and "playing" with her deceased children.
Dec 8, 2019
Mehh. My feelings will obviously change to be more positive towards the brothers but right now at this moment, I just find them annoying. Of course their actions are made so that the readers will understand them, and I do, but to me it just comes off as though were supposed to forgive the boys for their bullying, abandoning, and nearly killing of the main character. Which just doesn’t slide well with me. I’d brush it off if it really were just when they were kids, but they kept up this behavior and escalated it as they grew older, so I’m just left feeling meh toward them. The whole “we should be considerate towards people who harm others because they were hurt before” mentality just doesn’t sit well with me. Cool motive, still assholes.
Mar 7, 2019
I really feel sorry for these boys. They need each other more than anything. I understand if you can't control your feelings. I wish that there was someone who cared about them enough to help them through this. It is sad to say but I think they would do better without Hari or their parents seeing as how they are only making them suffer more.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
They need each other more than anything.
They need their parents back to normal. Each other isn't getting them anywhere. We see that from where Hari lived 19 years of after having both the parents die and EVERYONE being miserable. Them having each other didn't help jackshit. If it didn't happen in 19 years, it isn't going to happen ever.

I wish that there was someone who cared about them enough to help them through this
...Yes, maybe even TWO someones.

It is sad to say but I think they would do better without Hari or their parents seeing as how they are only making them suffer more.
Yes, their mother suffering mental breakdowns would be... so... so much better. And we saw how well that they took that, too. I'm sure it'd work out great. Somehow.

Look, I get you feel bad for the brothers. And they did suffer a tragedy, but this "Hari is the problem" and "brothers dindu nuffin! dey gud boys!" apologist stuff is mental gymnastics. Hari didn't force them to take out their frustration and angst on her. Neither in the original timeline nor in this one. She's even made several good faith attempts at being amicable with them, most of which were rejected. Again, that's not on her. Co-operation is not a one way street.
Mar 7, 2019
@definitionofinsanity I never said the boys didn't do anything or that they were good boys. Maybe you should learn to comprehend what you read.

Their parents obviously aren't worth shit and if they had someone who cared about them they could explain why what the boys are doing is wrong.

They can't do anything about their mother so why suffer more constantly getting involved and getting hurt. If they learn to depend on each other then they would be able to deal with it at least a little. And ignoring Hari is a hell of alot better than bullying her. They don't know how to fix the problem so not making it worse should be the obvious choice.

You apparently can't understand that this isn't a situation where you just make friends with this strange person and everyone is happy dandy. What the hell can you expect from children who have no-one on their side?
What the hell do you think pain is?
Stop it with that Hari was the only one hurt bullshit and look at the whole picture.
Or are you too deep into this "hari dindu nuffin! shes gud gurl!" mindset to pay attention to everyone.

She has people looking out for her. They only have each other.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
Gonna just repeat myself in this strange comment section that likes to side with just the boys or just with Hari.
The main issue here is the broken family dynamic. We have a father preoccupied trying to keep his wife sane cause she's lost herself after losing her only daughter. Then we have Eugene who is only a child acting as an adult when he also needs someone to hug and care for him with all the love that they can give. And we have Erich, the youngest boy, who feels like he's lost a part of himself because not only did he lose a sibling, he lost a twin. And tbh, Cabel the middle child, is probably trying to hold it together by remaining goofy and doing all that training that he does. PLUS adding in Hari, who does fix the mom, but creates a rift between the parents and the brothers.

Blame their f*ing situations and their weak mental states. Pity them. Sympathize them. But stop making someone out to be a complete evil. The only antagonist here is the author who wrote this heartbreaking family story. lol Seriously though, everyone's actions are not okay but it is what is expected when placed in a situation where logic just doesn't fit and emotions are on a constant high.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
Poor kids.
Still don't think this means current Hari has to put up with their bullying if she doesn't want to tho.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Seriously. That is attempted murder.

It's great that he realizes that he's not being fair to her, and this is definitely a shitty situation for the whole family, but it doesn't make any of their garbage behavior okay in my book. Hari has been mostly reactionary so far, so I'm more inclined to side with her, but she certainly isn't helping.

This is a case of a bunch of people being assholes to each other because of their circumstances and immaturity.
Feb 1, 2020
I actually see why the father is so harsh with the kids when they bully Hari. He's worried that if Hari gets hurt or dies, the mother will become delusional and mentally unstable again. I'm not saying severe punishment is a good thing, but his actions make more sense now.
Feb 16, 2018
Think I'm going to skip the comments section for this story, cause unfortunately, it seems the venn diagram of people who read manga and people who understand that the world isn't black and white doesn't intersect. You don't need a 'hero' to unconditionally love and a 'villain' to unconditionally hate.

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