Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

Oct 28, 2019
Yeah I get that it is creepy that she is described as a carbon copy of the sister and it would have been better if the author described that when she grew up, her features changed but don't forget, he fell for her because of her personality, not because she looks like his dead sister. When everyone was ok with him shouldering all the responsibilities as the heir, only Hari was the one who really asked if he was okay. Hari was the one writing letters to him throughout the six year separation, sending kind words and always considering if he was alright.
Nov 12, 2018
I don't know why everyone being too serious about incest in the story.
First of all, it's only a story. Of course it will be disgusting in a real life specially if you have sibling in real life.
Second, they are NOT related by blood. One of the most concern thing about incest is that it would danger the child that born from the incest couple, which make no sense if the child birth is supposed to leave descendant.
And, Third the most important thing is... most of modern people seems to forget that marriage means become family. Most of the good marriage I saw is when the couple act like best friend and sibling, so when the passion love is fading away they still want to stay together as family.

Plus, its not like they become sibling since they are born. They become sibling when they are young adult (which is the time when we completely aware of the different of gender and awaken of the sexual attraction), and I said them not only Eugene because Hari is adult mentally.
Sep 7, 2019
oh no im crying in the club oh no
thank you for translating!!! stay safe
Dec 18, 2019
Dude im still crying it's happening akdodkfofk im so happy for you Hari. 😭😭😭 I don't think I'll ever forget this chapter either, hari. I just *pterodactyl wailing* wldofkfk it's finally happening and it's not a drill it's real and oh my god a family, that's all she ever wanted xidkxjdoaifkfn

Yo Team, thank you thank you so much for translating this beautiful chapter. You finally caught up and im so happy thank you i hope blessings rains on your lives

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