Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 40

Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019

Thanks for the warning. I really didn't like those panels of him being blushy and whatever, so I'm gonna drop it as well.

Thanks for all your hard work, translation team 🙇🏽‍♀️
Jan 12, 2020
I'm not sure how to feel about this development...

Thanks for the update!
Double-page supporter
Oct 20, 2018
Please no romance between her and Eugene. Why mix familial love with romantic love.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
Hmmm, I wonder if they are gonna go the 'Knight falls for Hari' route or the 'Knight was chosen because he won't/can't fall for Hari' route.
Active member
Jun 5, 2020
Aww the hug 🥺Edan be lookin cute~

Thank you for the update!!
Mar 25, 2020
is this... another possible ML??

Edan looks really adorable though! ^-^ And Eugene's protectiveness over Hari is so heartwarming after all they went through.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
I love reading comments that whine about them dropping this now because they've read the novel BEFORE reading the webtoon because what were they expecting? This isn't an anime where it undergoes dramatic revision. Gosh,

i'M dRoPpInG tHiS bEcAuSe iTs gOiNg ThE pAtH oF tHe NoVeL tHaT I'vE fInIsHeD bEfOrE hUuUrDuUuR
Jun 13, 2020
Yes, I know. I really wanted to read that type of story as well. When I read the spoilers (I wanted to know the path of the story) I was like "mmmmm.... Nope". She's so alike to her real sister that is just... Weird.
Active member
Mar 11, 2018
I've been pretty sure about who the ML is going to be and to be honest, I wasn't that impressed. And now this. I want to ship her with the new knight. He's so adorable.
Sep 12, 2019
I will forever ship her with Eugene.
They are not siblings and they did not grow up that way. the brothers were not sibling-y to her until like the parents died, then he was very busy and then they did live apart without much contact.
Marrying your childhood next door neighbor has more sibling vibes than this.
If it is not weired that harry potter for example married someone who looked like his mother than Eugene can marry someone who looked like his dead little sister when she was young. She only looks that way she never behaved like her.
Dec 1, 2019
I don’t understand why people are so conflicted about Eugene and Hari’s relationship... people seem to think of them more as siblings than they themselves do. They aren’t related, the only reason she became their sister is because she has similar characteristics to their dead sister. Also even if she looks alike to her when she’s young, she’ll grow up to look different. Hari always felt like an outsider within the family, she cared for them but never truly felt like a part of the family until later in life where she still felt different. Feelings of love is vague in itself, you could not realize you truly love someone unless something happens. The timing of events create a moment for them to realize their true feelings. The readers who are assuming they see each other as siblings and that this whole plot is just incest need to realize that Hari cares for them all but felt special towards Eugene even in the past. She wanted to protect him and be there for him, and that can sprout into love. For Eugene and the family, Hari is just a random girl they meet one day to replace their dead sister until they have to see past that. Once they do, they’ll care for her, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll immediately see her as their sister. They could still see her as childhood friend or even just a friend or a girl. Think about it, if a random person comes up to you announcing that they are now your adopted sister, can you immediately care for her as much as you would any of your other family members? Would you immediately see her as your life long sister and not as a someone you just met or are getting to know?
Oct 19, 2019
Honestly, that blue haired guy is more of a brother figure to her than Eugene is. She spent more time with him as a sibling than she did with Eugene. It makes sense that they wouldn't see each other as siblings.

Does she resemble his dead sister? She doesn't. It's been mentioned that only their hair colour is similar & even that not so much, once she grows up.
Jun 25, 2020
Eugene was kind of being a jerk to the maid :/ Especially with Hari being the likely cause for the tea being spilled by standing up so quickly.

It's good to be protective of those you love, but not at the cost of being a decent human being.

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