@Sleepytime People can eat even if they don't have a tongue, I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I have an uncle who doesn't have a tongue but can eat pretty much everything.
Just now, in this ep. When she asked him his name, we saw from behind as he opened his mouth to show her. Actually drawing a mouth with no tongue would probably be a little too much for the genre.
Ahhhh, perfect! Thank you! Now I can confidently call him "Nine" and know I'm pronouncing it right.
Especially when there are Japanese characters named Take (Tah-keh) and Mine (Mee-neh). Even though this is Korean, I still wanted to make sure. Nine is precious!! Gotta put some RESPECK ON HIS NAME.
@Starbright its most likely healed naturally already since there was no bleeding from the start so his severed tongue can't be healed like most fantasy manga but you never know maybe she might might do a little hocuspocus and heal his tongue.