Bijutsubu Girl - Ch. 41 - The Things You Like Stay the Same (4/5)

Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
children are those with extremely biases and the inability to hear discussion. "yes and..." is a good way to live by, putting something down to raise the other party (like not watching cartoons is some how more superior than otherwise), is childish. it's fine to have dislikes but you can't have a serious discussion if you know nothing of that topic.
knowing what you like is admirable, as well as being considerate of others, good friends.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a life lesson right there.

I also had schoolmates who went through that phase, around 12, 13 y.o. - stopped talking about anime, deleted the anime songs from their mp3 players and engaged only in "popular culture" (bleh!).
And the way they would talk indicated they had "grown out" of anime, with phrases like "dude, you still watch that?" and "I don't listen to anime songs anymore."

A few years later, in high school, they message me saying "dude, you know where I can watch Bleach? The site I use is down!"


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I always find it fascinating how manga and anime always have to self-reference. The protagonist is often an otaku themselves or an aspiring mangaka, or at least one of the side characters will be, and there will be an arc where they will "come out" and be told that it's okay to be one.

Imagine if every second book you read had the protagonist be an aspiring writer, or if every movie you've watched had a side character who was a movie geek. How fucking pathetic and desperate would that be?

That said, anime absolutely is childish, inane and flat-out retarded so if you watch it past the age of, say, 20, then I have some really bad news for you.

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