@bastek66 I truly believe you're wrong and most people think he's trying to get too close and that makes him creepy, I mean, thinking about your sensual's friend mom is hard to imagine but is the same as trying to flirt with your friend's wife, like come on ... There's being respectful and there's spying her room, commenting on her clothes or the clothes she used to wear or trying really hard to get in situations with her or saying something like "wow I can't believe you don't get the hots with your mom lol" in early chapters.
As you can see down here some people want the dad to show up just to put the kid on his place... Others even prefer if the friend makes a come back as a trap again, in other words, anything but him lusting about her, because it feels like half of the series so far has been about him so it gets annoying.
And in my opinion, chapters about her and her son or her and random encounters or her doing mom things are the best... I just want more of that... Or maybe Yuusei's girl friend, that's better.