, I also think that's what he's doing. It's just that the wordings he used was... weird. That's why I think that maybe the translator did a mistake. Or maybe the author.
Fuq it. I'll add my lyrics to this beat You all are taking it far, far too literally, "To be of low status" The social positions don't matter for the analogy. (Thought clumsy it may be) More than that, this is not a history analogy. This is a
Simply 2 things:
Shock Value
Reputation/ Expectation Management
He's talking about something observable even in everyday life.
A person held to be competent will be blamed if something goes bad and uncomplicated went things go well. A person who is seen as incompetent or formally incapable will be lauded when they achieve the same feat.
Stepping up to a responsibility is a lot cooler than merely filling it. -and if you fail people arent as hard on you.
So the hidden question is "how does one become famous?"
Answer: "By achieving great feats"
Then how does one become a legend more efficiently? - By lowering the bar you were thought to be capable of meeting
Therefore The best way to be a stand out individual is to be of low status. Because no one has any expectations of you, the break out will shatter their minds.
Your name will be on their lips and each and every other feat you pull will bring you higher
Doubling down the story telling bit, to make things more impactful don't storytellers exaggerate the story? Make the enemy force bigger, instead of the Hero and his 14 men, the Hero slew it alone, with one strike!
SO many examples, doesn't every American cooking show need a sad contestant backstory? "Started from the bottom now we're here" The lazy-prince-is-actually-super-strong/smart/OP/everyonegargleshisnads type manga story that's cheesed to death right now
Also the "serious" side of this story so far has been all about reputation, fame and the
manipulation of the good parts of a story. The hero's sword and its brainwash properties. And this guy here seems to be aware of the properties on "how to tell a good reputation."
It's possible he made the beasts, the mage and the white knight, positioned himself as a foppish, useless flirt of a prince so that when he orchestrates wiping out the foes he set up, his low standing amongst the nobles (being seen as a menial chore to talk to) will skyrocket him faster than any of his peers. Maybe making him a big candidate for the future throne