Black and White - Tough Love at the Office - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - White & Black

Oct 29, 2018
Thank you for the translation, and happy holidays!

Much agreed with a lot of people here - though I do view it in a sense that this was the best kind of revenge that Black could get - White couldn't break her relationship (she now works with her new bae) and is happier with her new life. It's living a lot more carefree than the toxic environment she used to be in, and is significantly happier than what white expected. Meanwhile, White is still stuck in that same calculating, sly, backstabby environment. I really like this kind of ending, and it's pretty natural imo.

Thanks again for the work, and Happy new years to all as well!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2019
A surprising ending, to be honest I didn't even know what to imagine on how it'll end when I think about it, but surely it wasn't like this. Not saying it's a bad ending, on the contrary - it kind of feels right, though I must admit I would've loved to see Junko be happier but as it turns out, You reap what you sow :meguuusad:

Maybe if she'd been more honest about what she really wanted out of Kayo she'd be happier, however it seems she herself didn't know what it was exactly that she wanted until the very end.:aquadrink:

Thank you for your work on this series, it was a fun ride! :headpat: :salute:
Apr 3, 2019
Wish we could have seen more of Kayo and her story. She and Hashimoto were the only likeable characters.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2023
Brutally perfect. There was no better way to end this story. As fun to cheer on Junko was, she had it coming, and karma and the consequences have to end up crashing. Surprised her pawn didn't stab her in the back but just resigned to become another cog in the machine. And becomes the new partner of the spitful sex with Junko. Junko won the corporate war and Kuroda won in love, good for them, good for them.
Thanks for translating and sticking to your always 2 day schedule, it was a great read and can't wait to see what Sal Jiang will come up with next. <3
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
Magnificent! 5 Michelin stars. All the flavours, perfectly balanced. What a delicate meal to start the celebration. Sal Jiang definitely knows how to cook.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Good ending. I had hopes kuroda would beat her at her game or at least theyd fall together but I can appreciate this. They've both gotten what they wanted in the end.
Sep 18, 2020
So…Kuroda goes to a new company started by her girlfriend, which means she got her new position through nepotism and this is supposed to make her “white”…how exactly? Because she loves her? I liked this manga but it often times felt very much like it glossed over the things Kuroda did to throw the villain ball solely at Junko because she made more plans and made crazier faces.
um . . . what's wrong with starting a new company with your girlfriend after leaving a hell hole that was traumatising both of you? That's not nepotism, it's how a lot of companies start - friends, partners, etc, deciding they can do better for themselves elsewhere.

This was surprisingly non-judgemental at the end - Junko wasn't being a horrible person in this chapter at all, really, aside from wanting to go rub her success in Kuroda's face. But she /was/ shown very clearly living in the same toxic culture, with the same kind of toxic relationships, and the same toxic competition; meanwhile, Kuroda had moved away from that toxicity and found something healthier, something that allowed her enough space to say "yeah, all that competition and winning and losing - I don't have to care about that any more".

The symbolism is pretty clear, I think. They started in the same place - as you noted, Kuroda did plenty of dark shit, just like Junko. But starting from the same place, they both got to choose where they /went/ - one of them chose to stay mired in the darkness, the other chose a path that lead to the light.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
I think the only way I could have enjoyed the ending more is if A: the old company was bought out in a hostile takeover by Kuroda and Sakakibara's new company and then proceeded to lay off ever one of the back stabbers. or B: If the company collapsed after Kuroda left due to an investigation by finance authorities. And Kuroda and Sakakibara just get to sit back and watch the news in the morning as they're all dragged out in handcuffs.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
And here I thought the ending was going to be Junko and Kuroda fighting on top of Tokyo Tower before both falling off. They then both lose all their memories from the accident. Afterwards, they both meet under a new company with the names Hiroko and Ayaka.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
Not the beautiful downfall we were thirsting for but I’d argue this is a better ending.
Where Kuroda turned over a new leaf and Shirakawa just became the queen of her own kingdom, made up of all the deceit and venom she’s all about.

She never really thought further about what “winning” entailed.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
I'm really happy to see Kayo moving on, growing and living her life to the fullest!!

thanks for finishing this series, Gouma-den!!
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 27, 2023
To be honest aside from the whole poetry like other says something that I didn't like was that Kuroda wasn't as schemy as I thought she would be. Yes there's nothing wrong with her falling in love withe the other lady (forgot her name) and quitting the 'game' but I have the impression that after a ~third of the story I noticed how only Shirakawa remained a schemer and Kuroda undergo all the tricks, the covers illustrate this well I would say with the first showing the two at equal state while the two others showed Shirakawa at the top. I repeat I don't 'hate' this ending with Kuroda quitting the company it's just that I was expecting this manga to be a battle of schemers until the end. Well I could also be missing or forgetting something so don't hesitate to tell me.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 19, 2023
as much as i am satisfied with the ending and the series overall i think if they gave it another volume or two junko could've gotten a compelling redemption. thats just wishful thinking though, good job as always sal jiang and translation team!

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