Black Haze

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
@Shelly welp, kinda wierd, i havent read black haze but people said that the series havent finished yet but somehow the author made another series and seems abandoned this one for sure.
Aggregator gang
Jul 30, 2018
@ispcizero3rd yes. The author was working for a publisher/website. The publisher was not keeping their end of the employment contract (not paying the authors properly, I think it was) and after asking the company to change that and pay them properly for a long time, this author and several others left the company. And are going to court about the problem.

Because both the author and the company have ownership over Black Haze, it is illegal for the author to produce more of it without the company.

I am not sure if it's completely accurate, but based on what I've heard, that is what happened.

So the author didn't give up on it, it was that the law has forbidden them from making more chapters until all the legal things are worked out (and maybe not even then, depending on the courts and the company).
Jan 12, 2020
Is there any chance for the author to work on this manhwa again after the whole legal issue is dealt with?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@verveine I mean, the chance isn't zero if the legal issues ever get resolved. There are a number of ways things could go down here. The two we'd probably want are either the author getting sole rights to the series and starting up again hosting the series elsewhere, or the publisher agrees to pay its peeps what they're asking for and things start up over there again.

Also possible would be the publisher getting sole rights and tossing some other authors and artists in their employ at the things that have been up in the air from all this, or just shitcanning the whole deal because of how much money it already lost them in legal expenses. Those are the main scenarios I'd imagine coming from this if they come to some sort of actual resolution, the legal issues could just continue indefinitely and the affected authors could all just resign themselves to moving on. Sometimes there are no winners.
Apr 10, 2020
ngl im dead, ive gotten so attached to this story that im ehartbroken
Jul 9, 2018
OIIIII OIII Just realized, it isn't officially over nor will this ever be over I mean the other is just working on something else.. sniff.. so REMOVE THAT COMPLETETED THINGGGGGGGGGG. IT IS NOT THE END!
Group Leader
Aug 2, 2019
@ololp ...what. no seriously, what.

i'm not sure why you'd think that an author whose series last updated three days ago died in 2018, or why you'd think that a korean author would've been born or died in china, or why someone born in 1924 is working a regular schedule making weekly manhwa in the first place.

although honestly, i'm not sure why anyone is believing you in the first place.

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