Bloodharley's Coach

Jan 20, 2018
Didnt expect this, perfect fit for the fight against misogyny that is taking now a days
Double-page supporter
Mar 11, 2018
What's with that low score? It may be not a chef d oeuvre but it's lots better than average. Artwork is really good, stories are good too. I expected more graphic scenes after the first chapter tho, lol.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Series with Rape or NTR often get hit with low scores by people who don't like such things in their stories.
Think a vegan giving a stake house a 1/10 for their lack of vegan options. It's the same thing. They aren't rating the quality of what's being offered.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
You guys want to know why this only has 8 chapters? Or the really low ratings?

It's not cause there's disgusting rape shet or lack of morals. That's never the reason because you need to show true darkness to contrast them with your hero or to make a point etc.

No. . . . the problem is the story has no coherent or clear plot and it's essentially jumping from one view point to the next on an unrealistic story. It's essentially
rape fantasy

Okay. . . . 1st off, stories are uninteresting unless you show the motivations and interaction between characters. In this story, there ARE NO MAIN CHARACTERS and the story jumps from random unexplained opera scenes to
unexplained rape
Oh... kay. . . . . . . the villian or great evil should show us how the characters in the story react and in doing so reveal their character, values, personality and interaction with other characters.

This story does none of that. It's completely hollow and thus it got cancelled in 8 chapters.
Feb 22, 2018
Hiroaki is a fucking degenerate(as per usual),everything he makes has gore and rapey vibes.
I strongly disagree with your metaphor sir, a more appropriate metaphor would be: "Think a vegan giving a 1/10 score to a steak house because they(the stake house staff) brought a live cow to the table then 30 guys raped the cow in front of you, then 60 guys came to rape the cow again, not only they raped the cow they burn her fingers(I know cows have no fingers, I'm losing the metaphor and I'm aware of it) and bit her goddamn nipples off, all the while making an effort to show all the suffering, in detail, then when its time to pay off they let the cow die take to a grinder, all this, while you watch a different cow going through the same thing on the table next door, while a projector shows the cow happy moments before it was tricked in coming to the stake house, and then when even your soul is dirty, near the end of the dinner the staff bring out a goddamn 5g of frozen processed meat in the shape of a charred hamburger, put it in your plate, and leave the steakhouse locking you inside. Only then you notice "Oh, it wasn't about food at all they don't give a crap about the story they just wanted to show cows suffering, and now that they are satisfied they just left... but then again I know of hiroaki other works (including doujins) what the hell was I expecting? wth are the best artist the ones with the weirdest most messed up kinks?
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
A cow can't fear future suffering so it doesn't quite work.
Also, I get a strong sense of Darkness "rejecting" the lewd from your post.
Anyway, I still stand by my "Don't rate genres you hate according to how much you hate that genre".
And if you think this stuff is bad, you should read more interesting history books to get better calibrated.
Aug 24, 2018
Good composition.
Set of vignettes that give many different perspectives, I really enjoyed the storytelling.
Double-page supporter
Dec 12, 2018
Okay doubt anyone is going to read this since there is only 9 comments at the time of posting this, but to those who stayed to read welcome and I hope you enjoy my review. I'll first start with a more generalist approach talking about the formatting of the chapters, and the overall theme that I identified, if your not interested in that then just skip to paragraph three if you solely just want to see me tell you why I think this is shit.

The Format
Every chapter of this manga is all set in one setting and is told from the perspective of a certain character or characters. It's sort of like a collection of short stories but all in one setting. What this means is that these chapters all have individual messages that it conveys depending on which chapter you read, this format fails for this particular manga not because the format is inherently flawed but how the format was used and how the author wrote these short stories. The concept was pretty cool each protagonist for each chapter is someone of a different status in the prison, showing us their thoughts on the situation they are in.

The Message.
The author puts a lot of effort in cementing how horrible the prison is and the amount of harm and exploitation that it brings to people, both emotionally and physically. The obvious theme is the concept of for the greater good. It's brought up through the history of the prison. The prison has underwent a disastrous event through an uprising that cost the lives of many, the authorities hoping to avoid such tragedy caved in to the inmates desires and prostitute orphan girls to curb another riot, after all if the prisoners are satisfied with their conditions then an uprising won't happen again its unfortunate for the girls but its for a good cause right? The theme is explored through the experiences of the girls we see them horribly mutilated and deaths aren't an uncommon occurrence, it's readily apparent that the action the authorities took is wrong.

My Criticisms
My biggest criticism is through the end of these chapters it usually goes against the message that it displays. Take chapter six for example. Chapter six is told from the perspective of a guard. This is a particularly interesting view because it not told from the victims of the establishment but from a member of said establishment. A brief synopsis of the chapter is that a guard saves an orphan girl from committing suicide and pitying the girl sought help from his superiors, his boss is only interested in keeping the status quo, leaving the guard with the one option left, to take matters in his own hands. The theme of this is a conflict of the greater goods helping this girl here or upholding the system that supposedly prevents riot. One particular moment of this chapter that I found interesting was the guards conversation with his superior on what the better choice was. The choice being is it better to tell a sweet lie that if you last more than a week your free to leave this hellhole or tell her the truth that your here until you die. Not once did his boss consider that what they are doing in upholding the prison policy is wrong. The manga seems to agree that the former rather than the ladder is the correct assertion to make so the guard goes on a rescue mission to get that girl out, okay all good so far until you reach the end where the plan fails and the guard gets executed for treason. What! an ending like that implies that the prison was right in the theme of this chapter of a battle of for the greater good. upholding the policy or saving this girl. A lot of this chapter was doing set up for this guards character and showing how bad this policy is.

The Good ( Sort of)
What I find the most intriguing in chapter 6 is the representation of this dissenting grunt guard. The most evil people are usually told to be the masterminds of tragic events. But we don't really hear about the grunts the ones doing the actual leg work of these operations, after all these people are the ones at the bottom they are the ones who see and willingly do the most horrific actions you'll learn in school or hear on the news. Take the holocaust for example most people know about Hitler, Himmler and the likes but what I question is how those at the bottom can do the actions that these men spout, after all the men at the top just push papers they're not the ones pulling the trigger. Seeing the perspective of the dissenter and not the another member of a hive mind is what I enjoyed most about this.

Judging from your comment I think that you enjoyed reading this in contrast to me, This is my first time really doing this and want to know your thoughts?

Well here's a review of what I thought that doesn't have to do with an outright rejection of depictions of graphic violence. Can you give me your thoughts of my review?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Damn, that was really good but so fucking heavy. I can tell this is something important to Hiroaki, the attention paid to character's thoughts and actions and beliefs and excuses really bleeds through. Thanks for the translation.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
At first, I thought it was gonna be some edgy read but it ends up being kind of touching and the journalist's explanation sold me on. Yes, the ruling class is doing what it pleases since immemorial times, or well, since the division of labor took place. It was a time of war so I'm sure this was the lesser of their evils.

The story touched me for the well-written characters and the humanity that they emit because of it. Good decision to elaborate the story only around the peasants to make it relatable. Not that I'm an inmate with a broken soul waiting for his natural death, or a chick that wants to make it big in Hollywood, or a guard in a dead-end job waiting for his paycheck that will go mainly to the landlords... I'm just a mere peasant.

@Feeder Cute review, good work :)
Apr 23, 2020
Series with Rape or NTR often get hit with low scores by people who don't like such things in their stories.
Think a vegan giving a stake house a 1/10 for their lack of vegan options. It's the same thing. They aren't rating the quality of what's being offered.
That was a very dull metaphor you know? Because last time I checked, meat consuming (or not consuming) isn't seen as something horrible and nasty by social standards and it's not a crime so this just don't work. Also what the hell is wrong is not liking rape scenes? Judging people for their dislike of the things you like is so stupid. Anyway, why are you so bothered with some randoms low scoring some manga? (And before you threw at me your favourite 'dont rate if you didn't read': I read it and didn't approved)
Apr 23, 2020
What's with that low score? It may be not a chef d oeuvre but it's lots better than average. Artwork is really good, stories are good too. I expected more graphic scenes after the first chapter tho, lol.
Why are you bothered? Not all people like rape scenes you know think about it
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
That was a very dull metaphor you know? Because last time I checked, meat consuming (or not consuming) isn't seen as something horrible and nasty by social standards and it's not a crime so this just don't work. Also what the hell is wrong is not liking rape scenes? Judging people for their dislike of the things you like is so stupid. Anyway, why are you so bothered with some randoms low scoring some manga? (And before you threw at me your favourite 'dont rate if you didn't read': I read it and didn't approved)
There is nothing wrong with not liking what the story contains, but the rating should be about judging how well the story executes the story it wants to tell. If the rating is about if someone liked/didn't like what was offered, it has no value in judging whether what IS offered is of value.
Someone who rates a BL manga a 1/10 because they hate gay stuff is not providing any useful feedback to someone who likes BL manga.
This manga is tagged with "Sexual Violence" and "Tragedy". If you can't stand stories that contain such subjects your feedback that just complains about the story containing such subjects is of no value to those that are ok with such things in their story or are interested in stories that contain them.
Why are you bothered? Not all people like rape scenes you know think about it
The problem is that you are rating the story's tag, not the quality of the story.
Shoujo 1/10 I hate girly stuff
Slice of Life 1/10 These stories are so boring, nothing happens
Harem 1/10 Who wants to read about some pathetic guy, and the girls who love him for NO REASON
Horror 1/10 Stories with blood and guts are gross
None of this feedback is useful for the people who are interested in these stories!
Last edited:
Fed-Kun's army
May 24, 2023
I'm just glad shit doesn't happen now adays, well if it ever does I'll kick up a fuss for sure.

As for this piece of work very beautifully drawn but it kinda feels mindless and more of a degens power fanasty, well I hate sexual violence in general so my rating is bias.

I'll say this also I'm not rating this directly because of the rape theme, as much as I hate it I think it can be excellent if pulled off respectfully and well, but unfortunately because alot of manga artists/writers are male they can never usually truly put in a "good" rape scene, it just usually feels tasteless, shock horror or just for the MC to save the day etc, I don't want it to be done in a few words if you're gonna add something that heavy then it should atleast be shown in the character for the up coming chapters until if ever trauma is resolved.

It took me years after my attack to even read something with sexual violence but authors act like it's over in 2 days like seriously stop. You don't forget and neither does your body.

So back to the manga I think it's all over the place, I get it's different seasons but each girls story just ends way to quickly to understand the situation also the ending was horrible the government simply stopped it and that's it? Even back then if this got out there would be public outrage from the common folk even during war if it's something on this scale, just feels way to abrupt.

The only thing I fully like was the art and the part about Bradley guilty for his sins having the angels on the ceiling though not that it matters it all got burnt down.

Ehhhhh 4.5 maybe a 5 out of 10
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 10, 2023
The slugfest that some of those satanists cunts that dared call themselves "japs" create
Only for it to go unpunished, but not only that, create a cult following as I see some maggots in the comment section approving of this piece of waste
"It's just fiction, if you don't like it piss out" are the red herrings we can typically hear from faggots that find a good paved way to a jailcell

Good Night!
Christ have mercy.

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