Bloom Into You

Jul 23, 2020
The only thing that doesnt make me give this 10 stars is because when i was done reading i got sent back to reality
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 15, 2019
meh, rather overrated imo

think part of me not really loving this is due to not liking Yuu, also lotsa tropes and rushing of the romance
Aug 15, 2020
from what I understood, Yuu did not suddenly like touko out of nowhere but she was just in denial about it. I believe Yuu developed feelings when she saw Touko running during the cultural festival which made her heart beat fast. The bed scene is probably inspired by The classic and gold standard of Yuri manga “Girl Friends” by Morinaga Milk which also has a bed scene in the second to the last chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 1, 2020
@Tanfulo With you there, lmao. Always get that empty feeling after completing something like this, no matter how much I enjoyed it. But I keep coming back, so hey.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
That is the actually the main subject of this story if you will just look into it thoroughly - when and how did Yuu(someone) see Touko (someone) romantically. This story is not just as simple as you think, it defies simple explanation. It is telling you that their story and relationship is not what just seems normal from others’ perspectives. It wanted you to think outside the box. I understand you actually, I was not able to understand YagaKimi at first so I watched and reread it like 10x maybe coz Im really hooked into it. Most people will not get the story in just one click though.

As to your question or opinion that Yuu's feeling just get out of nowhere, I really think you need to reconsider that.
Yuu is demisexual. She thinks of love based on what she read or heard from books and songs so basically, when those things defy her expectations of love, she acted like "No, I wont be able to fall inlove coz I cant" and thats her character until the cultural festival. If you will read her actions and not just her dialogue, you will realize she started LIKING Touko but she NEVER REALIZES IT FOR A WHILE. As to where?

1. (Level 1) During the campaign rally, they acted as a couple, the "past revelation thing". Surely, if you are in Yuu's shoes, will you just allow someone who openly like you to get indulged by you like that? Caressing her hair,letting that someone bury their face on your shoulder? Aint those a couple thing?

2. (Level 2) When Maki found out their secret, the first thing she imagined was Touko being in a big deep trouble and she doesnt want that to happen to her. Now, again, if youre that person, will you not try to protect yourself first if someone saw you kissing someone you dont even actually like(insert question mark here. will you just let someone you dont like kiss you and you allow it coz you enjoy it btw?) and youre not even dating? People who are not having special feelings for other people will just say "hey,its not what it seems. its just for fun" But Yuu was terrified with the idea that Nanami might be in big trouble once their secret will be out there. Maki chalks it up to her being defensive about her girlfriend. Yuu "knows that isn’t the case"(actually, she doesnt know,do not be blinded by her monologues).
Her immediate reaction to want to protect someone who loves her shows us that Yuu does care about her. If her actions mirror those of someone in love, are the 'special' feelings really necessary to say she's not yet inlove?

3. [LEVEL 3] The river scene. When Touko said she would rather die than to give up her sister's character, thats the nail to the coffin for Yuu. Yuu underestimating Touko and got ahead of herself knowing Touko's inlove with her but she didnt see that coming. When Touko said things will happen even without her, read her decision and action. If you dont hold special feelings to someone and they acted that way to you, wouldnt you say "Fine. Suit yourself. I dont like you anyway so why would I be bothered by it?", aint that right?
But Yuu?? Her reaction and her decision to "continue" to stay by Touko's side tell us "she already chosen Touko to be the one she wanted to fall in love with". She already like Touko. At this point, she already developed the feelings but she herself is not aware of it coz she's a demisexual. You will not simply allow someone you dont like to make you do things they like,kiss you and indulge them coz you just want to 'understand' that special feeling. Choosing someone and hoping you will fall inlove with that someone already mean you like that person coz you choose to stay beside that person. You will not just randomly choose someone and say "Hey, I want to experience love, I choose you".
There is that 'feeling' atleast eventhough you yourself is not aware of it.

Points here are:
Do not dwell into normal romance stories and read through the characters. If you will base your reactions on their mono/dialogues, you will miss the point. You must understand that the main character is portraying the demisexual and somehow asexual POV. And if you stray from that, you will never see how she was able to fall in love without realizing it. Demisexuals just like me dont see or understand love the way other people do. (This manga made me realize Im a demisexual as well thats why I bother myself explaining these things,haha)

Again, you must not base things on what they are saying,instead, focus on their reactions,decisions and actions cause the author is showing us that Love is not as always as simple to understand for other people (like me). You will never hear or read that ba-thump thing as most of the manga includes to indicate someone has fallen already. Its for the readers to find out how.
Active member
Nov 25, 2020
@yuzhyyzh I think the disconnect I feel has to do with what I consider romantic feelings, not demisexuality, I already understand that. The things you listed as examples seem like things I would do with my close friends (I don't kiss my close friends but the feeling of wanting to protect them first is still something I feel). None of that comes off as very romantic feeling ish to me and genuinely feels like platonic love since that's how I interact with my close friends all the time.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 9, 2020
@citrus3301 Yeah, but that's the main point. Youve got some disconnection coz youre not(?) demisexual and you dont think of romance in a way demisexuals do. Demisexuals always start things with friendship before it gets to romance. Demi needs to develop bond first before they could fall inlove and it will take time for them to realize that its not just platonic at all, that you already want that someone romantically. And this story, its clear that whats going on between Yuu and Touko is not merely platonic, as you said, you do stuffs like those with friends but you dont kiss a friend like that - that alone separated that platonic thing from romance thing.
Active member
Feb 10, 2021
Beautiful. 10/10. This manga was absolutely amazing. I saw the high rating and thought there was no way it could live up to my expectations but it surpassed them. I highly recommend this to anyone that is interested
Apr 20, 2018
saw the anime a while ago but still started it from the beginning. read it all in a day. the art style is just next level. story was nice and sweet. anyways yea, good stuff. very cool
Fed-Kun's army
May 1, 2023
I've re-read this manga around 4 times already. Nothing can beat this manga when it comes to shoujo ai romance.
Last edited:
Jul 12, 2023
The sole reason I did not finish this in one go is that at some point I was crying too much to keep reading.
I'm just glad Bloom into You exists, it got right into my heart.

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