I admit mc isn't great, but what's with the recent hate, especially this chapter? He's actively concerned for her, what is wrong with wanting to help someone in her life?
oh wow a cuckolding emotional mc. She's a thot. she caused the pain herself. @jak hopefully not. @sippers
He's caring for a guilty person. she was three timing, she got raped simple.
how is three timing an excuse to rape someone?
especially if you yourself are not the most faithful person.
remember that one of the guys was also at least two timing.
go ahead and spread the information that she's a thot, ruin her reputation.
but don't ever, ever rape someone like some kind of degenerate.
The very fact she isn't showing up screws the rest of them so they HAVE to get her to come. That the others don't seem to care and are working away anyway knowing full well that if there is one weak link they are all out is even more stupid. The others are as dumb as fuck as the MC but at least he's trying to keep the group going.
@MacMeaties Holy crap, I forgot that was a plotpoint. Yeah, these morons are being stupid. If even one of them fails, they all fail. I dont like the mc much either, but in his idotic way, hes got a point and reason to go after the girl. What are the rest of youll excuse?
@givemersspls He's definitely an asshat but I feel you are projecting a bit with the assertion of sexism/prejudice. Just like how it doesn't indicate anywhere he is doing this for the group neither does it indicate he's doing it cause she's a weak little waman that needs protected; the fact he attempted to befriend the black haired guy initially would suggest he'd try this bullshit with anyone making him a non sexist moron which honestly isn't much of an improvement but this twonk needs every point he cant get XD
@givemersspls or he is desperately grabbing at straws because he has this weird plan to make them all his friends and acknowledging that she isn't a good person fucks that up? Note how he says immediately after the not that kind of girl bit "it's just this was finally my chance to make her one of my long awaited friends". Ever considered that within the context he may have thought that warning her about the guy being a womaniser would have endeared her to him and been the foundation for friendship?
I'll give you the chapter 13 example but even then extrapolating that to mean "I'd be fine if a guy was hit" is still putting words in his mouth.
Though honestly it kinda sickens me that I'm pseudo "defending" him :/ I'm not even sure why I started. Everyone in this manga sucks so much ass.
@givemersspls honestly I think that's what it is more than anything. I have a compulsion to play devil's advocate quite often without realising I even started sometimes and then just stop being bothered rather quickly lol.
I'd say you're pretty spot on with the taller of Yuuhi's friends being the only decent one so far.
lol Author, you aren't going to get my invested in the story just by making our MC be nice to the girl getting raped every day. Haha. No way. It's working.
Man, I feel like this could be so good, but this comments section alone points out way too many flaw:
Why do they not care if everyone has to pass for them to pass the year? This girl is clearly not studying? Author forgets all his plot constraints.
Characters suck. They all say nothing. We know nothing. They have no aspirations. They suck. We aren't learning anything about them in these pointless classroom arguments. They suck.
No adults. Ever. No explanation as to why not -- except for this girl, but it's meant purely to get more sympathy from the readers.
That said, I still see the potential:
The characters seem interesting if we actually learned anything about them. The air of mystery is working at least.
I'm starting to like the MC because he's starting to do thing. Even if it's incidental and/or awkward.
The MC White-knighting/being a good person. It's a fine line between the two, but if he's just a good person, making the MC likeable by fixing some of his other flaws will be great.