I feel like if I was in middle school I still would've handled this better then him
I would probably be a little unstable since I've seen a murder happen and see the body that died right in front of me before but if I really, like really trusted or liked her I would've kept it a secret and just say that the teacher attacked both of us and I acted with the bat from self-defense. It's not like I would be lying, both Yui and Takashi did it in self-defense
My problem with MC isn't the fact he hid the fact she killed him, my problem is that he framed the teacher as innocent. I also hate that, even when the teacher's wife put off the warrant(?) she still hid the fact that her husband harassed not one but 2 children. if she was a normal person, even though it would be very hard, she would think long and hard about what happened
it's obvious, even if she thought it would happen only for a short while, she should've known this was going to ruin most of his life if this wasn't revealed
some trains really do have a person on the track huh