i thought he cheated on her? I might be wrong but I remember reading how the author did base Haruna off his wife, but he cheated on her. and during the divorce she claimed that bc Haruna was one of the factors to make to love ru so successful, she derserved higher alimony, and so thats why in the sequel, to love ru darkness, you barely see Haruna in the story, so he could distance any potential claim on his successful to his ex.A very famous and nasty example of an author having based the story on someone IRL was the author of To-Love-Ru, who based one of the main heroines on his own wife.
Who then cheated on him, and then they had a very nasty divorce, causing him to go into a long hiatus.
Yes, this is what I thought. I was read several manga that got axed and still have that end tag at the last page. But there's no end tag at this manga.I’m surprised there’s no last message from the author or “end” tag on the last page. Felt very cut off.