Remu and Azuki are playing a very dangerous game with the method they're using to make Remu's figurine. The attachment they both projected onto dolls is starting to melt into attraction for the other person, even though neither of them will admit it to themselves yet. When Azuki finally has to sculp the face it will be all over for both of them
This manga should have the comedy tag, there's something hilarious about Azuki's delusions that using Meguru's stepsister's body to sculpt the Meguru figurine will bring it closer to the real Meguru, even as it gets farther away with each "modeling" session. Its going to be a rude awakening when she finally meets the real Meguru again. I'm not dreading it at all like some commenters, I can't wait for our four perverts to all meet and the heat to really turn up in this kitchen.