>that was really fucking good. and it handled the trans stuff rather well. truly dont think im gonna find anything this good for a while, atleast this good at handling gender.
Youre embarrassing and its really sad that youre incapable of viewing or critically interpreting fiction in any other way than through latest culturally approved fad optics and-or academic slash environmentally imprinted programming. Limiting yourself to diet of 'queer' (even loosely) themed comics exclusively gotta be doing something to your brain, because so far Ive seen you posting here two types of things only: either giving a title your stamp of lgbutiq wokeness approval and singing its praises (which are sometimes amplified with trademarked kasparian iteration of the word 'fuck'), or expressing displeasure when you think the topic of broadly defined "identity" has been mishandled. It cant help that these manga are more of then not extremely removed from reality of how things are, not only in the west, but life in general.
There were also many bitch trips when people tried to challenge your beliefs, but lets not talk about them, cause there hasnt been one that didnt come off as pathetic or extremely petty.
Intellectually youre an equivalent of middle aged woman who believes herself cultured because she reads over 300 harlequin novels a years.