This is the plot? Really? Why chickens? Why stop at adults? The chickens are bloodthirsty, and they kill anybody. There's no reason to limit the C-Virus - m'thanks
@akibarus - to adults if the chickens are just going to fuck everyone up! Not to mention that as soon as they grow up they'll just be chickens. I could see it if he was actually insane, hungry, sexually aroused by cocks, or any combination of the three, but he's just misanthropic. Nothing makes sense.
Also, how does the C-Virus knows when someone is 20? At least give me some technobable to justify that.
And, I guess, I'm confused about Miyu. Is this current Miyu the old vegetative Miyu (V-Miyu) or the egg Miyu (E-Miyu)? They kind of just went over that too quickly. Are V-Miyu and E-Miyu the same person, or is V-Miyu just running around as a big chicken? Is that why the old man doesn't seem to care about her well-being, ordering her to fight in a losing battle? Because V-Miyu, the original Miyu, is just some dumb chick somewhere? Or is E-Miyu a Mega Ultra Chicken? I guess this will be elaborated on in later chapters, so I don't know why I even typed this out.