Thanks for the chapter!
Wonder if flew into sky to alter orbit because needed space for big transformation or to build up speed? In any case she's accurate to the title in being overprotective. While it's nice that she'd caring and supportive but it must be real wearing and frustrating for him as he doesn't want to hurt her feelings but she keeps stunting his mental growth by doing everything for him the easy way and preventing him from showing how he's matured or proving can stand on own and be the one supporting her for a change. That and all her actions are indicating she still thinks he's a child that needs to be cared for, can't do anything himself, and needs to have decisions made for him rather than by himself. All in all, not respecting him as an adult, not listening to his wishes if they don't follow hers, and that he's a kid not a man worth looking at as a woman. Then again, all teenagers have similar issues with their parents on being acknowledged as maturing while she just is OP and doesn't think about holding back on doing things. She seems really childish in some ways like blasting a hole in the moon while sighing or expecting a 15 year old human to beat a lvl999 dragon that ate and absorbed the powers of a devil. Or magically sealing the front door with a seal that even a group of top tier mages would have a hard time even scratching. Glad she realized he'd have fewer birthdays if changed orbit of the world and stopped. After all, even just pushing a little would only increase days if orbit stays stable. Worst case orbit destabilizes and world either shoots off beyond suns gravitational pull for the great beyond or gets too close and pulled into sun. Mixed case could have orbit altered into elliptical so gets to close to sun and hell of a lot hotter while doing middle of arc and getting too far and cold while curving around ends. Hopefully moon orbit stays stable despite have a chunk blown off although likely tides will be a little weaker so high tide won't be as high and low tide won't be as low. Worst case moon gets pulled in and crashes into world although if goes flying out into space likely will just mean seas will stabilize with no tides, no moonlight to see at night, and no romantic moon in the background for couples to stare at.