Boukenka ni Narou! Skill Board de Dungeon Kouryaku

Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
It was interesting until the game aspect came in. That was so stupid.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@zairx You did an amazing job with this, the legibility(syntax/grammar) and presentation(quality of the scan) are a much higher priority than fixing tiny errors IMO, those can be fixed anytime, for some perspective, MTLs are considered a direct translation but are obviously complete and utter trash when it comes to legibility(syntax/grammar), point being, you are a diamond in the rough, an untapped resource, a translation cow ready to be milked!

...Don't pay too much attention to that last part...
Jan 28, 2018
Reading the first few pages, I thought it might be a parody of some sort. But no, it's just a bad story. The whole setting makes no sense. Why are 'adventurers' sent into the dungeons instead of the military? Why are the adventurers armed with primitive weapons? Why does the military come to setup a perimeter around his personal dungeon, but then just leave everything to the weak-ass MC? Why does he have a status card, what purpose does it serve, and how is it tied to do with dungeons spawning in real life?

3/10, will not read again.
Jun 18, 2018
I can still tolerate the use of primitive weapons (*probably those monsters return the civilization backward). But, the game mechanic shit is so annoying for me.
Jan 30, 2018
This whit just don't make sense, like why don't they just send like the goddamn military in. Like instead of dudes with swords and plate armor, just sent in a guy with a fucking gun. I'd like to see how a centipede deals with a bullet.
Jun 18, 2018

Never understood, why is the game mechanic part a thing for most mangas. Especially isekai. It was a fun idea when only a few stories used it but now every one of them has it and it just looks lazy. The only reason I see, is that it's the easy way to explain special abilities and make the MC overpowerd.
Aggregator gang
Apr 20, 2018
Everyone here is raising legitimate points about why are the military being lazy shits, why are they using medieval armor and why aren't they using GUNS? But it's all irrelevant unless our Japanese counterparts did the same and if the author gave a response towards this. The origin of this series is from Syosetu, so just maybe the author replied in his author notes? Though it's likely he just ignored it all.
Double-page supporter
Mar 12, 2018
Shouldn't the stealth skill maxed? Also a strong sense of "everybody is a returnee".
Apr 25, 2018
Thanks for drawing my nightmare, but bigger and more realistic

I cant sleep who needs sleep anyway
Aggregator gang
Oct 1, 2018
I love this series. I have read the WN and its pretty good in my opinion. I like it when there is a specialty that the MC good at.

@bladestorm91 Well either the gun damage is related to the user stat/skill or the monsters are buffed with magic that gun don't deal that much of damage.. the military aren't that lazy lol they doing their best if I'm right it just the military aren't trained for monster termination.. that is why the 'adventure' is created.. For medieval armor probably made out of some magic ore or monster material...
Later on he tame a plant that can throw rock stone and by increasing the pet plant 'throwing' skill it increase the damage if I remember correctly.So I'm guessing to make gun more stronger you need to up skill related to that I guess?
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
Well, if we want to legitimize the use of swords and such in a modern setting for the use against monsters in dungeons we could say that smithing weapons and armour with resources from the dungeons results in weapons capable of defeating monsters (where modern weapons would be ineffective due to lacking "magic properties" or something). Therefore, creating demand for dungeon exploration to exploit those resources.

However, the current feeling is more like dungeon exploration is a hobby career and is being treated like a game contrary to the grim setting the dungeons were established as in the opening. Which definitely throws things off. Oh hey, lots of people have died and are suffering because of dungeons. I know, let us wear crappy fantasy clothing and mini-skirts to casual adventure into these apparently dangerous areas while the government regulates and monitors everything. =\

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