Boukenka ni Narou! Skill Board de Dungeon Kouryaku

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Pretty wishy-washy, but without any cringe elements, and the supporting cast are well made.
Other than most of the males other than the MC, who are either Wuxia-level self-entitled douchebags, or are a varied shade of sandpaper.
Overall, pretty decent "isekai" level work. Color me surprised.

P.S: As for the matter of the infinite pot that some of ya'll talked about,
Even if the pot generates infinite "common rocks", it's valuable as-is. I don't know much about construction, but I imagine you can sell the pot to such and such company that already grinds minerals on a daily basis. Only this time around, they don't have to excavate the resources or pay for the import.
It won't be worth a trillion bucks, but it'd still be worth something. They'd be saving immensely on transportation and operation, given the cost of gasoline.

After a bit of reading,
Basalt, what seems to be the most common form of rock on the planet, is used mostly as an aggregate. That is, you add it to an existing mixture to complete the product. It is used in roads, railways and concrete. For the most part, it's added to add volume and reduce costs. It's a filler material.
In less TLDR:
copy pasted from
Uses of Aggregates
Aggregate can be used in a number of ways in construction. In roads and railway ballast the aggregates are used to resist the overall (static as well as dynamic) load, to distribute the load properly to the supporting ground and to drain the water off the surface. In concrete the aggregate is used for economy, reduce shrinkage and cracks and to strengthen the structure. They are also used in water filtration and sewage treatment processes.
The uses of aggregates can be summarized in to the following three categories:

As a Load Bearing Material.
As a Filling Material.
As an Infiltrating Material.
Uses of Aggregate in Concrete

Aggregate is an essential ingredient of concrete. The uses of aggregates in concrete is:

Increases the volume of concrete, thus reduces the cost. Aggregates account for 60-75% of the volume of concrete and 79-85% weight of PCC.
To provide a rigid structure.
To reduce the shrinkage and cracking.
Concrete aggregate is used in many structures and substructures e.g. different elements of a Building, bridges, foundations.
The smaller the aggregate size the greater its surface area and the more binding material (cement) will be required, resulting in a higher cost.
The greater the aggregate size the larger will be the voids, resulting in wastage of binding material (cement).
Hence a mixture of coarse and fine aggregate is used in concrete to avoid both these problems.

Uses of Aggregates in Roads
Aggregates are used as the base, subbase, and/or surface of roads in several forms:

Stabilized using cementitious materials (blends of cement, fly ash, slag, lime).
Stabilized with bituminous materials (bitumen or tar).
Stabilized with other materials (resins, fibers, geosynthetics, etc.).
Recycled aggregate.
In roads, it is also used to help distribute the load and assist in ground water running off the road.

P.P.S: I find it funny some tried to seriously talk about "but it'd crash the economy", when the economy should've already crashed several times over, given the infiltration of monsters and the addition of bloody magic to the world. I think they're going to be fine.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2019
I dont get it, if these dungeon appeared in the real world that would it be better to explore them with modern automatic weapons rather than sword amd spear?
Dec 28, 2019
I would like to point out that on the chapter with the onions it was stated that many of what used to be "common" food became "only for the rich". A pot of infinite potatoes would make so 1 of 2 things happen: The economy of potatoes returns to pre-dungeon era prices (+ transport costs); or Who ever owns the pot gains a monopoly on potatoes and becomes filthy rich, if he isnt killed first.

Honestly, those types of products (infinite multiplication) are just a pain. It just becomes a game of super lethal king of the hill. If people could agree to not kill each other or steal it, then it would be the salvation of humanity.

* PS. Infinite potatoes also means infinite potato power. Aka infinite potato based biofuel, which is a totally different economy but same concept as above.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
I didn't expect much, but this manga is actually kind of fun. Lol, the MC has a surprising amount of personality. He's a little wacko, but he's also a good person, and he seems overwhelmingly sensible about some things. I wonder what kind of conflict might come from that?

Using the infinite potato generator as a weapon was hilarious.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
I think this story (novel) is from before solo levelling but I'm not sure, anyway is totally different for MC growth and stuff so is just a story with similar traits, and there are more than you would expect.
The MC seems to be becoming someone that always loved fighting but it could even be his real nature coming out, the status plate for now didn't really change his abilities aside him becoming able to use ability points at will, from what we know other adventurers get points like him too but can't use them, I think the points they gain get put in a stat they main in their fighting style and it can take a while, MC plate cuts down on that process giving him a explosive growth, a cheat but not a game breaking one, he can't just become a mage or summoner or hero from changing a title or unlokcing the skill, seems like he can't do things he don't possess proficency.
Is even true that is still early in the story, the plate could have some other hidden functions that could make him OP, I'm just happy the translator took the serie back up, both manga and novel.

MC was able to check up other adventurers stats and even use their points on their skills without any party up or permission, I guess not seeing the high rank adventurer stats in full was because he had 1) a lot of points 2) some skills a good guy should not have, we'll see.
Jan 14, 2019
@VooXoo Solo Leveling WN started in 2014, Skill Board WN didn't start into 3 years later in 2017.
They have similarities (Neither are original concepts), however this screams Japanese weeb-shit, You got the cowardly, timid, brainless MC virgin and his female side kick that only comes into the picture to serve as pseudo fan-service.
This one is especially bad since it takes the main meat of the story from 2 very different popular WN (The leveling system from SoloLeveling and the Character aspiration from OnePunchMan) mixed with elements from other popular WN.

I don't mine using elements in other novels, but they are just taking elements from top 20 novels, smashing them into their fanfic-turned-published novel and adding little to none of their own original elements, story or creative inputs.
This is just another low-effort attempt at a cash grab from those who are looking to read something similar to those aforementioned WebNovel into they get updated.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
From the art quality I can say is not low effort, is true that is the usual mix of stuff, but at least reverse isekai is still fairly uncommon, normal isekai is starting to give me nausea, too many of them.
The cowardly MC is something that sadly is everywhere, few stories are safe from it, but at least this guy is even a battle crazy guy.
Didn't knew that SS WN was so old, but can't we call this a copy of it as SS most probably copied some JP ones, it all comes in a circle, wonder if the first guys that made isekai and dungeons in the real world stories expected something like this
Anyway, I like this salad, some others use the same recipe but in a order that sucks, I'll just enjoy this one.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
Although it's interesting, I don't see the writer taking any advantage or integrating any of the possibilities of a reverse isekai. If you erased the cars and telephones, then you simply get a normal monster/magic isekai.
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
"You got the cowardly, timid, brainless MC virgin and his female side kick that only comes into the picture to serve as pseudo fan-service."

Have you actually read it? He's never shown acting cowardly, in fact as it progresses he seems to be going more and more berserk. He's also never shown as timid, just resigned to his lack of presence. I suppose the irony is you making a generic complaint about something which isnt entirely generic being generic.
Jan 29, 2018
Just binged this, definitely better than I went into thinking. Definitely not masterpiece, but considerably more memorable than like 99% of the garbage out there right now.

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