Boukensha License o Hakudatsu Sareta Ossan Dakedo, Manamusume ga Dekita no de Nonbiri Jinsei o Ouka Suru - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I don't hate on game-mechanics, but this is one of those times in which it feels incredibly redundant. All of a sudden: "If My MAX HP gets reduced if I use SKILLS!"
It's pretty silly how the Japs think you either need a super hard-magic system, or a simplistic RPG magic system. It's very hard to find something relatively "normal" like Saikyou Juzoku Tensei, which uses totems to invoke random arse crap, without much limitations, but also without pointless status menus.

I'm in my mid-twenties, and to some I'm an old man as well, but for most people, I'm a wee' lil boy.
Yer always below someone, and always above someone, in one way or another.
old man. :v
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
Aug 7, 2018
- adult age in fantasy = around 15-16 years old in some cases can be even 14
- first son/daughter = between 16~18 years old but in some cases even 19 but is considered become a parent quite late
- first grandson/granddaughter = around 38~40
- you considered quite old = once reach 65
- you considered very old = 70 and more
in fantasy, that use medieval like "standards", you need to think that they don't have our medical level so arrive at the old age of 80 is like our modern 100, while reach 90 is equal to reach our 120... and this explain why be 37 mean be old... from their point of view he's old enough for be a grandfather
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
37 years is middle age? A old man? 🤣🤣🤣

I am okay with the curse being the issue that stops his career as a adventurer but that age thing is bullshit.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@RC1138Boss its the middle ages bro, do you really think life expectancy is the same as it is currently.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Wnf It is a magical fantasy setting, not really a middle age setting.

Anyway i wouldn't be surprised if there is some ass pull happening in the next chapters.
Active member
Feb 3, 2019
It's not disease, it's curse. It so fucking stupid. And now he can be only merchant or farmer. =_=
Active member
Jun 16, 2018
People are pulling numbers from medieval "history". I find this chapter looks a lot more fitting (and more commonly known) to major league sports (or military combat - but lets use sports for this argument).

Literally right now, one of the big news in sports is Rob Gronkowski is retiring. He is 29. Hailed as one of the greatest Tight End players in the NFL ever, and he's retiring at 29 with a 10 year career.

Unless you're Tom Brady, 37 is a pretty reasonable age to retire in such a field. How many athletes still competes at his age? How many soldiers are still enlisted at that age? They aren't saying 37 is old, but it is for fields that adventuring should have an equivalence towards.

That said, I definitely sympathize with him. I'm getting old myself. The real thing that bothers me is how they are treating him. Though the Guild Master is giving him some respect, it's still too little for a man that was once the top of his game. For a man that accomplish so much, they should be treating him with more respect while telling him he needs to stop. Even if the MC is the manga equivalent to Dan Marino (NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback - one of best of his time with dozen of records, but kept playing so long that embarrassed himself in his final game losing 62-7), he should be treated much better than he is getting.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I guess if the go-to age for a japanese protagonist is 15/16, 37 really qualifies as "body failing from old age".
Aug 7, 2018
yes, normally the average age of a japanese MC is 15~16 but there are case where they are more young, for example in the first "season" of naruto they start with 12~13 years old and in shippuuden start with 15 to 17...

scolastic stories (theyr schools start in april and end in march) start with characters around 15 because is the normal age for a student to enter high school ... from 7 to 12 they have 6 years of elementary school (if one have the birthday on or before 1 April than will start school in that year and not the next), from 12 to 15 they have 3 years of junior high school (don't know where you guys are but here in italy is called "middle school") and then 3 years of high school with a range of ages that go from 15 to 18 between all the years.

Funny notice, at 18 a japanese guy is considered an adult BUT still remain banned from drinking alcohol, smoking, gambling and adopting children and can legally start doing that once turn 20.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
It's not the age. It's the mileage. Like @RhoninFire said, even today, you can only push your body that hard for so long before it falls apart.

I agree he should be treated better, but OTOH, maybe they have tried to be respectful and it just didn't work.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
From 1 to 10,
how much Usagi Drop is this?
Can we just have a NORMAL father/daughter manga just for once?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
>tfw you're old and among the millions of adventurers in the city of Ballsack
MC is leftover sperm confirmed
Aggregator gang
Apr 20, 2018
um.... do ppl realise the life expectancy in middle ages was like 30-40 ? (i mean yeah its fantasy here but its supposed to give a medieval feeling)
he is undoubtedly an old man ... especially a physically hard job is impossible with progressing age and thats even with modern standarts lol....

also lets not forget he is literally killing himself by doing his job...

wouldnt you also stop a guy you like from harming himself every day?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Bluedudu Average life expectancies during the middle ages are pretty misleading because of high childhood mortality rates. If you survived childhood in the middle ages, you can probably live to your 60s, especially guys because they don't have to go through childbirth.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
weird how the guildmaster has a point. I guess this won't be an edgy revenge manga.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
Holy shit that's like firing a person that's worked for you twenty years right in the office/sale floor in front of all your other employees. They should have at the very least instructed the staff that the guild master wanted to talk and take him aside and talked to him in private. Also, when he went from A and B rank requests to C only, there should have been a conversation with him (also in private) about his declining health and performance and a concern of the guild about his future, so this wouldn't be dropped out of the sky like this. Frankly, this guild sucks, whats the point if they give no f*cks about their members? Real medieval guilds were almost like mafia families, they took collection money, f*cked up anyone who tried to steal/work their trade outside the guild, but also was a safety net to members within the guild, offering support, training, financing and shelter to guild members.

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