Boy's Abyss - Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town


Group Leader
Jul 29, 2023
nah bro I think this was the end of volume 17? vol18 is on the work
edit: yeah I think I'm right, vol18 is the final this was just the ending of vol17
That was the ending of vol18, the volume just isn't added to MangaDex yet which is why the last few chapters are listet as No Volume. Sadly no copium can spare us from this being the ending.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2023
This was a shitty ending but I'm not even angry, I think we all knew Ryo couldn't really stick the landing.

Nevertheless, some mangas are more exciting even when they fail, than a lot of other mangas are when they succeed. This was one such manga, and I look forward to what Ryo writes (and inevitably fumbles) next.

Let me say it for the final time:

I love Yuko so much it's unreal
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2023
What’s everyone’s final rating for the series (1-10)?
1, because I hate it, it fucking sucks, it became such a silly mess

10, because I love it, it's exciting and sad and relatable all at once and it has Yuko

Hard to rate, I have a love/hate relationship with it
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2019
Thank you for the translation!

Do you think Chako's comment of "it would be published if it weren't unfinished" is an acknowledgement of how up-in-the air and vague this final chapter is? After all Chako is literally holding the 'Boy's Abyss' story in her hands; does that mean the author wants the characters to finish the story on their own? And we, as the readers, just have to be satisfied with the "unfinished" story we've been allowed to read?

Kind of lame and unsatisfactory, if so, but not unsurprising. This manga has been spinning its wheels for awhile, imo, so an ending like this is probably the best we could have hoped for.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 25, 2023
Am i disappointed by the rushed end? Yes.

Am i disappointed by the end result? No. Everybody got the ending they fucking deserved.

Given the rush we couldn't see Yuri, Yuuko, Nagi and Reiji's 2023 selves on screen (Reiji was seen waving at Chako tho), but at least i'm happy the last 2 chose to start over andnpursue their happy end together and have a quiet life working for Shino'oka. Yuri was implied she murked Mao Yuuko chose to live fueled by pure and sheer hatred against Reiji for... not having been a girl she could manipulate and traumadump her generational bullshit. She was jailed tho.

Chako got a mass glowup, her 37yo self looks hot af. Still sad she won't get over her unresolved feelings for Esemori, but at least she'll be there for Gen's new life.

As most of us guessed, Esemori's unfinished novel was basically this manga.

Gotta thank BCS/Abyss When and the guys from the subreddit for having carried the translation for these 4 years. Final volume will have important additions, so i guess the revision won't feel disappointing.

PD: i realized the timeskip wasn't of 20 years, but of 2 years. My bad. That makes the DenjiReiji and MakimaNagi art Ryou posted as a goodbye on her X make more sense.
Last edited:
Oct 21, 2020
Ok so I'm glad Nagi and Reiji ended up happy and not y'know, dead. I'd have still preferred to actually see them being happy instead of just a mention in the epilogue ngl. Still, it's sad to see one of my favorite series go regardless of how good was the ending. Thanks to everyone in the scan and Team Sensei til the end!!!

PS: Sensei wasn't mentioned in the epilogue so can I presume she killed Mao and skipped town?

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