This manga was quite the ride & the pain it brought. Whether it is confirmed Nagi & Reiji died will probably never be addressed but I do hope that they are happier wherever they are. Esemori managed to do what he needed to do after all the shit he's done so he got my respect. Chako is doing better in life & Gen might be able to live normally while at the same time be away from that rotten town. Burn it all to the ground. So much different than
Hatsukoi Zombie & still can't believe they're done by the same author. Wish there would be more but maybe there might be an epilogue chapter in the final volume. Thanks for translating this to the end & hope the next series is a banger but with less misery attached.
Edit: After reading this again, most likely Nagi & Reiji didn't commit the suicide & alive given what Chako says on page 22. Still don't know if Yuri is around them but who knows.