Boy's Abyss - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - An Outsider’s Soliloquy


Active member
May 4, 2020
It is really weird that he did not mention the teacher. Why would be hiding it? Is it because she was gonna help him to get out of there and thus help chako somehow? Or maybe he just avoid mentioning that he fuck her too.

I wonder what will be the role of the teacher in the story from now on.
Apr 29, 2020
Sensei has agreed to pay for Rei for go to university in Tokyo. However, Rei's current plan is to die with Nagi and send Chako to Tokyo, so it's likely he's wants to use the money Sensei will give him to send Chako on her way.

Fairly certain he all but explicitly said that's his plan with how he promised to send Chako to Tokyo not long after Sensei told him about the money.

There's also the fact that Rei doesn't share anything that isn't relevant at that time - very typical behaviour of someone with his mindset, he mentions someone stopping him and Nagi, but not that it was Sensei and what happened after.

Also, Sensei's condition of being exclusive is practically Chekov's teacher-catching-Chako-and-Rei-looking-too-friendly-at-school waiting to go off. Seems like Sensei's current role is to be background noise until things go too well and she throws a spanner in the works, there's just too many avenues she could use to screw everything up.

#1. She catches Rei with Nagi. This could easily be seen as a "breach of contract" so she'd refuse to bankroll him, which means Chako doesn't go to Tokyo.

#2. She catches Rei with Chako, much more likely in my opinion. Once again, breach of contract but with the potential to trigger a bad end really quickly:

"Break up with her where I can see it or you're not getting the money." Rei, predictably, would break Chako's heart if it meant he could send her to Tokyo. Said heartbreak leads Chako right to Esemori as we've now seen that Chako goes into self-destruct mode pretty easily, and follows that exact course of action. Bad ending, with potential for worst ending depending on who is in the vicinity when that eventually goes down.

#3. Sensei gets her wish - a pregnancy, and somehow Nagi or Chako find out. I have a feeling Nagi - as someone who was left alone - might not approve of Rei dying if he's going to be a father. As for Chako, see #2.

#4. If Sensei feels her control of Rei is slipping, it'd be easy to schedule a home visit and apply pressure; she is his teacher after all.

All of this is ignoring the other pieces in play, such as Gen, Esemori's connection to Rei's mother, and what really went down at Lover's Abyss all those years ago.

God, I need to stop writing essays.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
justice for chako.....
how bout justice of mc he went through alot even before meeting nagi :/
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2018
For real, Rei's life and future are much bleaker than Chako. But i suppose that's the reason, her ""struggle"" is more relatable to your average middle-income readers.
Active member
Aug 16, 2019
Awww, good for you Chako, trying to take control of your life regardless of the pain it will cause.
Jun 8, 2020

Good to see, that, despite of having all the shit she's into bw thrown in a harsh way, she still wants to be positive and take control of her life.

Now, Reiji is the most fubar boy. Even though i want a happy end for him, prospects for him are really bleak at this point. Specially if yandere Sensei enters back into the fray.
Active member
Sep 16, 2020
No offense, but isn't it really kind of hypocritical of Chako to say that she doesn't want to be controlled in her life, and yet tries to force her way and become an "insider" between Reiji and Nagi? She's not trying to meet Nagi because "she was a fan".... she's trying to interfere in Reiji's personal matters because they had sex.
I'm still 100% certain that the only person who doesn't try to control Reiji in this story is Nagi, albeit her being suicidal. She seems like the sweetest girl.
Oct 12, 2020
Reiji: I tried to commit suicide with 10/10 girl but someone got in the way
Chako: I thought you were going to Tokyo with me! Is dying with her more important than going with me?

I was on board #justiceforchako until reading this. Was it an error or poor choice of words by the author? Because this sounds damn manipulative and controlling. If that's not the intention then it was poorly worded. If it is, then what the fuck, Chako? Her best (only?) friend just confessed an attempted suicide and she spun it around her own drama almost immediately. How is everyone ignoring this?


Active member
May 4, 2020
@Sables because she is the only one in love with the MC. So she is selfish.
In fact, everybody is manipulating him. So far the only "good person" is Reiji.
Oct 12, 2020
@ez3 I think that's mostly true, but Reiji isn't innocent either. He's let himself be dragged around by these people. It's understandable given his background but he's no less culpable for his poor decision making. If there's a "good person" in this story (and I don't believe there is) it's Nagi. Ironic that she kickstarted this pool of degeneracy but everything she's done so far - including suggesting Rei commit suicide - wasn't of self-interest. She's the only one who can claim to not be manipulating Reiji and instead trying to save him from that town in her own way. That worst influence is also the most anyone had ever done for him up to that point. Everyone's fucked up.

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