Boy's Abyss - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - An Outsider’s Soliloquy

Apr 21, 2020
Chako and Reiji have some big balls, i thought she was gonna do the "runaway, don't wanna see you anymore" and run towards the older guy but Reiji stopping her by force and her wanting to meet Nagi. This manga just keeps getting better and better.
Apr 29, 2020
I try to make a habit of not reading these types of manga when I'm on the low-end of my manic depression...but sometimes I need to read something that engages me on that level.

In a weird way, it comforts me, aligns the negative thoughts with something fictional and then latches onto it. When I stop reading, the negativity goes with it temporarily.

This manga really scratches that deep-lying itch.

Are you talking about
? That seemed more like a train-wreck for the sake of a train-wreck; there was never hope for a good ending there.

This - on the other hand - is giving me serious Aku no Hana vibes in terms of how the overt darkness of one(Rei being upfront with his suicidal desire and overall lack of positivity) brings out the more buried darkness of those around him.

In terms of how much "light" there is among the characters, we're already fighting an uphill battle. Rei has admitted to himself that he just wants to be saved, no matter the method, so there's still hope.

The way I'm seeing things right now, Chako is determined to save him and Nagi has admitted that she's willing to go alone, so there's still a good chance. It's highly likely that's why Sensei is here, though.

I suspect that once we start getting too close to the light, she'll pop up and ruin things, which will push Chako to Esemori and...I know that moment is coming; I really don't want to see it, but I know I'll burn it into my memory once it does.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2018
@DrPavel 100% agreed. For now Rei has done his part by trying to keep Chako out but she is the one who wants in for her own self-centered reasons. What happens after this point is her responsibility. Personally I hope everyone makes it out of this
Dec 31, 2019
It still throws me for a loop that the same guy did Hatsukoi Zombie not that long ago, though there have been constant reminders that HZ was the outlier of his works.
Aug 21, 2018
Man, everyone on this manga is so fucked up

Except Chako. She deserves better than this.
Active member
Apr 9, 2018
I really hope this makes Rei realize that he has someone on his side and stops being played by Nagi and the teacher, though I don't see the teacher going down without a fight.
All I want is for Chako to be happy, though
Thank you so much for the update!!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
Really satisfied with Chako's reaction and how the author moves the plot forward. The quality would have dropped if Chako just wouldn't listen to Rei and stormed off. I especially like that she wants to make sure Nagi doesn't suicide too. A lot of people already wrote her off like a terrible person since she started all this by ropping Rei in her shit but she's hurting too.

Until proven otherwise, Esomori, even his chill attitude about people banging his wife is funny, seems like a proper unempathetic asshole though.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2018
@Rogojinen I don't even know why Nagi's reception is so bad. She hasn't forced Rei to do anything or mind-gamed him. She offered him a choice to die with her after she saw through his happy act. She also gave him a choice to run away to the city because that was another alternative he hadn't tried. Rei's the one obsessed with her and jumps to his own conclusions and can you blame him in that environment? Nagi's prompting for suicidal was a bad call, but that's because Reiji is heavily influenced. She is also the person who has seriously considered Reiji the earliest, without any ulterior motives of her own, because she completely lacks an ego.

To add, Nagi also protected Shiba when she was about to fall into the lake and be carried by the tide. That's a life she's saved despite not caring much for her own while putting herself at risk. So far, everything points to her being a good person, just for arguably the wrong reasons.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
Wow, it doesn't follow the "I'll run and misunderstand everything" cliche? That's nice

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