I don't get it. Why did reiji come to this epiphany that he wants to die after all. Imo it could've been better explained because I'm super confused right now.
@weebdonny He's always felt that, but he brushes those feelings aside because he wants to help Chako out. But then more crazies keep piling themselves on him and he has no breathing room. Chako and later sensei's latest insanity trip drove him up the wall. Now that he saw Nagi left, he realized he'd just lost his safe-space. He's kinda been using her as a confessional of sorts because he thinks she'll listen without judging him, won't make him do things he doesn't want to, and would be around if he ever decided to off himself. Evidently, he was wrong on the last one. He's wrong a lot.
Braindead comments about sniping lol
Shit was 2 chapters behind with complete radio silence and then BCS came back with an excuse as soon as it was uploaded.
Just be glad they took the hit on the chin and didn't complain and drop like some other groups.