I would tell my mom to take the offer and find a rendezvous point near by, and when that bitch least expects it, BOOM! I sneak away and meet up with my mom, then run away with the money
The thing about sensei is that she's not exactly crazy, but somewhere a bit far from the norm. And I've read and heard too many cases of "divine dong" to know that this will end with Reiji in jail or dead.
so now the dichotomy of Reiji having to choose between Chako and going after Nagi has been established.
and as sensei continues her campaign of destruction of the things around Reiji, his decision making will change I think in that Reiji will need to see Nagi in order to fully realise what are his desires and that will trigger the suicide.
I don't think that sensei knows about Gen so it will be interesting to see how her campaign goes.
another interesting thing was raised in the mom's comments on Esemori's book. The suicide is definitely based on her and her asking Reiji what he thinks will probably be the answer that determine's Reiji's desire to die.
While I know sensei is already off the rails and all I can't help and still feel bad for her since it's obvious her childhood turned her like this...Welp even if reiji's mom does accept this like reiji would actually go to sensei I see her committing suicide in future chapters.