Do Koreans miss slavery or somethin? Sure feels like with the way they fucking insert it into almost every manwha and have the portag go "Haha o well"
Also fuck this planet. All the future sex slaves sure arent fighting against being ripped from there families. Its basically "oh just live with it lol"
I'd rather choose a modern life.with modern values and amenities instead of getting stuffed in all holes and dying in childbirth at the age of 35
This is weird. This story isn't disturbing enough to rage over it but this is just too weird. I've gotten too used to these Webtoons to rile up my emotions on the first chapter but I can't feel anything for the world or the MC. Is it just me?
So her aloofness comes from her lack of memories? but since she remembers general status quo like no slavery, some bits of sensibility and morality should have stuck to her to wear at least some decent clothes 🤣
??? I love the art but I'm so confused at this girl'sack of reaction to anything.
It would've been fine if she had a moment where she dismissed her old world but there's been nothing.
No thoughts whatsoever in her mind. I'm out.
The art is lovely but what even