Bring the Love - Ch. 24

Apr 16, 2019
It was sad for Lucas. I see that he may be hurting, but as an avid romance reader, according to the unspoken commandments of love in the fictional world,

1.) It aint gonna work out cuz he is not the male lead sorry
2.) The way that he is forcing Leah to see him in a different light looks more to me like a pride thing rather than a love thing? He may have strong admiration for Leah but no matter how strong, it doesnt seem like anything serious. Author probably got something cookin for Lucas so imma watch out for that

And yes Matchamango, Lucas should learn how to accept No. (tho I wouldnt be one of those saying No, i mean that long golden locks thing he has goin on is yummy)
May 2, 2019
@Ronin40k I don’t think it’s just US but there actual guys anywhere in the world that would think like that. And if you happen to meet them just dump them no matter if they think you’re heartless, they are bad news. They are the types that want their ego to be raised.
Nov 11, 2019
Sometimes, they just don't like you that way - even if you could be the best friend ever. It's how it is, and part of love is learning to let go and respect them as a person. It's tough, but hopefully Lucas can let her go.
Apr 30, 2020
MatchaMango-san you be spoiling us with these releases! Thank you for all the hard work!❤️ I’m hyped for these developments 🤟🏼
Jun 8, 2020
Leah might seem to be tough on Lucas but I understand her perfectly. Sometimes, you just can't reciprocate, no matter how nice the other person is or how much they love you.

And I am in the team Roxant anyway :-D
Active member
Aug 7, 2019
Samezies. Felt bad for lucas somewhat but at the same time he needs to stop bothering our girl leah. She said no dude
Mar 30, 2019
Nope Lucas is too . . . whiny
Him being persistent all these years make it seem like he doesn't respect Leah's feelings
Apr 1, 2019
Tbh I don't feel bad for Lucas lol tho I'm not cheering that he's been rejected either. I think this chapter handled this sort of situation brilliantly. Sometimes no matter what you just can't control who you are/aren't attracted to and both parties just gotta respect that
Feb 13, 2020
I'm just so in love with Leah's character, even more so - though my love for her grows with every update - she's such an amazing and strong woman and she really set her feelings straight I respect that! Thank you for the chapter ♡
May 2, 2020
Oh my ... poor Lucas, I feel bad for him But I like Leah rejecting him directly, it won't create another problem for her.
Go go sail my ship
Oct 30, 2019
Thank you for the chapter. 😊 My ship is sailing.

Sometimes life just slaps you, so I can't understand Lucas being as a friend to Leah.
Mar 24, 2019
Everyone's talking about the dynamic between Leah and Lucas, and that's great, but guys, guys, look at what a great foil Lucas is for Roxant! They both have loved Leah for years, but look at how different they are in the ways they express themselves to her and how they do (or don't) take her interests and feelings into account.

Roxant wants the best for Leah and is willing to give her up if that is really what she wants. He listens to what she has to say and he tries to understand her. Lucas is persistent and won't give up, even when she has repeatedly turned him down and explained why. He is too focused on his own feelings and what he wants and he doesn't make an effort to understand her.

There are lots of other direct artistic opposites too:
- Lucas is an exuberant, emotional, heart-on-his-sleeve person, and Roxant is a stoic, reserved person.
- Lucas has pale hair, Roxant has dark hair.
- Lucas is pushy, Roxant is respectful.
- Lucas is impulsive, and he forgets convention and etiquette when he gives in to his impulses. Roxant is cautious and deliberate, and even when he makes a quick decision, he still adheres to etiquette.
- Lucas isn't very confident in himself and therefore keeps trying to prove himself, whereas Roxant is self-confident to the point that he doesn't even think about it.
- Lucas is easily swayed by other people, especially people with forceful personalities (his father, Roxant, Leah, etc.). Roxant sticks to his intentions and opinions even in the face of opposition. (Of course, Roxant also listens to the people he trusts and cares about, like Brilliand, so that if he is going wrong, he can catch it and correct it — exemplified by him coming to apologize to Leah after Brill called him out on his insensitivity.)

Like Lucas pointed out himself, even though he and Roxant are fairly close in age, Roxant is a lot more mature than Lucas is.

Now, I wonder why Leah finds Roxant more attractive…
Oct 20, 2019
So he cried when beaten as a kid, big deal. That emotionless golem Roxant cried too, when his mother died.
Jan 17, 2019
Fuck Lucas, he'sself centeredand doesn'tcare about Leah's opinion. Boy can't take no for an answer and thats why Leah doesn't like him. Its unattractive to tell ur male friend over and over you don't like them, while they try to guilt trip you into it or snatch at any opportunity to get with you. And then his dad says "he breaks off all other engagements!" So Lucas goes, oh I can still win her over! She said no. How about a different approach then openly declaring your love. Its not working. Maybe you could idk filter with her not stamp ur feet like a toddler and shout cuz you don't get you way..
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@Cacia Did Leah say she finds Roxant more attractive than Lucas? She said no matter how much more handsome Lucas became she wouldn't consider him regardless lol.
Apr 24, 2020
Matchaaa thank you for this again ❤️
I feel bad for Lucas 😂 Leah is too hard on him but he needed that. And I like how straightforward she is, not vague enough to be misunderstood as interest in Lucas. Bb Roxy~ you need to be more aggressive. I hope he doesn’t just go sulky and tsundere and need Leah to baby him. Fight for your love sis. She chose you already. It’s his turn.
May 2, 2020
i think lucas was about to accept the no... until his father encouraged him again ^^'
and the comparison to cerberus was funny :>

thanks for the update <3

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