Busted! Darklord - Ch. 2 - The best way of solving a problem

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Gotta admit boy looks too cute in girl's clothes. Although surprised uncle can pull off being in drag considering how masculine his physique is. Hope find out how MC's identity and clothing was revealed in such detail considering his father is literally a small fry with few subordinates if any other than uncle.

Looks like one of the teachers has already exalted himself in believing that since he's righteous all his actions are right and contrary opinions are evil and wrong. Throwing a guy out for bad taste in expression and into a gulag is more a sign of oppressive tyranny rather than free thinking and justice. Girl is a typical "I'm doing good so ends justify any and all means and are good even if someone else doing it would be considered evil" along with attacking first and then asking for surrender. Nothing more dangerous than a zealot convinced they're doing good and god's work when the reality is they're committing evil for some corrupt high rank despot with delusions of godhood.

@ChefGourmand Gulag isn't at the academy, it's nearby as wouldn't want the presence of infidels being a negative influence to their students by being too close. Also, considering how corrupt the officials are there's probably one in every city to force work on undesirables unfortunate to get their negative attention.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
Wait what,how?!? HIS EYES LITERALLY CHANGE SIZE I thought he was being genderbend but it was just a simple dress up so how did his face change?!?
Double-page supporter
Feb 29, 2020
That boy's fate was already sealed from the start.

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