Busted! Darklord

Apr 14, 2020
The story and characters are interesting enough, but the translation can be distracting. I'm sure the translator though he was being really funny but I preferer the parts that are sincerely translated over the dated references and annoying attempts at humor.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Ok, I have finished all chapters available right now, and despite being Chinese, this manhwa isn't abysmal (different than most Chinese manhwa I've read recently, I guess communism can't ruin everything after all). The storytelling is decent, the graphics are good, there's a good chunk of content per chapter, everything is consistent... Then comes the tower arc... here while it's not technically a plothole, the consistency goes through the window. I won't give spoilers, but the characters begin to act in a very stupid manner, people sacrifice themselves worsening the situation, the villain starts to play with the heroes instead of finishing everything quickly (despite his personality), the main character keeps dressed as a girl even when such a thing isn't required, the allies stop caring about the consequences of helping the hero, etc. Despite having the cross-dressing theme, which to me is a bad thing, I was going to give this an 8/10, but now, I'm giving it 6/10, I hope it gets better after this arc, it had some potential to be good.
Apr 4, 2020
Love and hate relationship on this one, I mean this is filled to the brim with plot hole and plot armor both and protagonist and antagonist side.

No bad guys die and even thought it's clear as the sun in space, they repeatedly come back to do stupid things that make you wonder how anyone can let them do that.

Also main characters constantly get beaten up physically and morally so you feel bad for them and nothing good happen to them, it's just constant bullying with slight comedy that fall flat (not helped by the translator sneaking pop culture reference making this thing even more of a joke)

So that's the bad, the good is that characters are cute, since you feel bad for them you want good things to happen and get attached, there's not that much gender-bender/cross-dressing material and I like the fact the author change the look of characters (clothing) few times
Group Leader
Dec 9, 2019
Update Feb 8, 2020:
Series has been paywalled. Expect significant delays.
Feb 13, 2021
The beginning of the story is pretty slow and tedious, but once you get a decent number of chapters in, it really starts to pick up.

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