I've never downloaded or played a Japanese game, so that couldn't be it. I'm guessing it's something encrypted then. Don't worry, I'm definitely keeping it blocked.
Also thanks for decrypting it, but
please be careful, especially with posting that link. Even though it looks like a harmless Youtube channel. I wouldn't want anyone to get infected with the same virus(?) or whatever it might be. It doesn't really have a local path to indicate it's actually installed on my system, since those letters ARE its path name. Even so, it's very persistent on trying to get through any IP adress of mine ( I'm not really sure what's going on, so I was hoping its translation might help somewhat.
It also tried to do the same with this as its path name:
https://i.imgur.com/cNGV2OA.jpg. I'm posting a link to the image this time, since it's pretty long. This one was even weirder, due to its wall of text. You don't expect to see that as the path name of a possible virus. 😕