Can You Keep a Secret? - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - Gloomy

Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2019
Ah well, it's a hit or miss sometimes, at least you gave it a shot.
But failures are pretty good in teaching how to work towards a better business. Everyone fails, but what you learn from that is what will build that success later on.
I've probably come up with some pretty bad branding/illustrations back when I was fresh out of college, but after every miss I learned what I needed to get a hit.
I'm the currently the senior designer of my studio now so I get to make more decisions than what I could previously, and I'm pretty sure I probably wouldn't have gotten here had I not gone through all those failures and learned from them. Hopefully the next product you roll out will get farther than what you achieved previously :)
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2019
This joke about "demanding bigger budget" is the gem of the chapter. Also, english language question: when should I use "larger budget" and when "higher budget"?
Actually, Mitsuya did the right thing in her situation — go to her SO and annoy him to death with her grumbling and whining recharge. Tateishi is great support, even I don't have this skill of finding the best words for people

Don't know that ref tho
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Ah, yes. I know the feeling, Yui-chan. When your efforts come to nothing and believe it's all in vain.
That's what happens to most people, though. There's 7 billion of us, ffs. For each Steve Jobs or Bill Gates there are like 9 thousand people who failed. It's just, we never hear about them.

But Masugu brings it home. It doesn't mean we're supposed to just give up. It means we soldier on, rethink, reinvent. And if it still doesn't work, then reinvent again.
Dec 31, 2019
From a quick search, some say that "larger budget" is when you have some specific numbers in mind to use as comparison, and "higher budget" is for more abstract values.
i.e. "Ten is larger/greater/bigger than five."
rather than "Ten is higher than five."

However, because of the many quirks of the English language, others say the exact opposite is true for economic/financial situations,
whereas still others say they are completely and 100% interchangeable, so who really knows?
Jul 10, 2020
Good luck with blender and the languages! And thank you for the chapter. I have plenty of other manga schoolwork to keep me occupied, but I wouldn’t want to drop this one for a lot of reasons, the great end cards included.
Jul 9, 2020
Thanks for the update, and for your credits page at the end of each chapter. Everyone needs to hear that now and then.
May 14, 2020
I love this series so much! Also what a wonderful chapter, i really loved Takeda's little pep talk to Mitsuya to cheer her up. He's so sweet :)
May 29, 2018
I regret leaving this for a long time in my "plan to read" list...
this series is so good, I keep grinning nonstop reading it, reading it while being alone is advisable since people around you will get creeped out by your grin 😂

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