Before going ahead and sniping a series, can you try and ask the current group scanlating it whether or not they're thinking of dropping it first? You can even try and help out with the group if they let you. It's not hard to do, man. I kind of feel like it's common sense. Just don't be annoying. We all like faster updates, but you're sorta just undermining all the work the group is doing on their current unreleased chapters. But meh, whatever. Up to you whether or not you wanna be a decent individual about all this.
To be fair, though; why the fluck does it matter
but also; oof, these chaps are being scanlated for no reason now. All thou effort is for naught.
...Shlit, now I'm just high out of my mind and questioning everything about everything. Woopsies.
To be a blitch or not to be a blitch. That is the question.
k bye now 🤠