My favorite present to receive is money. Simple and effective in all situations. People kind of insist on giving things they picked out instead though, and you kind of have to cover up your "what am I even going to do with this?" pretty often. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not ungrateful about the effort but I legitimately don't know what to do with some of the things I've gotten from people over the years. They either can't be returned/exchanged in the first place or come from some place I'm not going to find anything to exchange for that I'd want any more than the current thing. People will even say "you're hard to pick out gifts for" or "Wasn't sure you'd like this. We can return it if you don't like it." Just slap me in the face with a twenty dollar bill and call it a day, or buy me a pizza. It's damn near impossible to go wrong with a pizza.