Chabashira Kurabu - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - 6th Brew: Not a Tea to Relax With

Jan 30, 2018
〆 is a shorthand symbol for shime, which can mean like 'end, conclusion, resolution' on its own (you can also see it in words like 〆切り 'deadline' and so on). Not sure if that helps understand what it means as a tea name, though.
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Mar 11, 2024
〆 is a shorthand symbol for shime, which can mean like 'end, conclusion, resolution' on its own (you can also see it in words like 〆切り 'deadline' and so on). Not sure if that helps understand what it means as a tea name, though.
Looking at it, I think you're right! Thank you -- I learned something new!

Since it's the 3rd tea of a 3-tea set, my guess is she's saying something like "This last/final tea of the set is..."

The exact tea is still a mystery, but this does clarify what she's saying. Thanks so much!

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