This reads like a 10 year old making up his own story on the fly, and it's awesome lol
"...And then these tentacles come out of the door and chase them through the city! And just when ChainsawMan is getting tired, they see a girl on a motorcycle! But he won't treat a woman bad, so he kicks a dude off his instead! But then they get she turns the motorcycle into a CHAINSAW MOTORCYLE!!!"
Fujimoto the genius. Fire chapter, although I'm still curious as to who the second Chainsaw Man is. Chainsaw Man Devil, as opposed to Denji being Chainsaw Man (a Fiend)?
HOLY FUCK! ASA! That's it. Asa is best girl. The fact that she changed a random bike to base it off of him, just does it for me. They make a great team. And a DANGEROUS power couple.