CHEATxSEX Anthology Comic - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Hero’s Lower Body Situation (by Kyuuri)

Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2020
There's only chapter 3? Where are chapters 1 and 2 then?

I know this is an old reply, but it seems some anthologies only get translated piecemeal by various groups, because said people are only interested in one story.

Can't say I haven't been sorely tempted to try my hand, and I definitely have this anthology (I believe it's up to 3 volumes now... Yup, that's the V3 cover, the volume I don't have yet), but the raws are, put frankly, a sonuvabitch to work with, because it's nigh impossible to get a decent 300dpi. Every source I know of is 72dpi, which leads to fuzzy screentones that are a living hell to clean/redraw, especially if they're also a gradient (y'know, like a good 60% of brown hair in these things.)

That, and hellpanels (SFX heavy, using noise patterns, basically, difficult as hell to RD) discourage most people from trying, because ugly CL/RD is very noticeable.

EDIT: There are upscalers, but results can be uncertain. Eh, if any of them work, I'd try. No promises, though.
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