Cheeky Brat - Vol. 20 Ch. 114

Jan 29, 2020
Oh, TBH, it's really sad ๐Ÿ˜… to see people always fighting and hating on the comments section, ah. I really get stressful and ruined everytime I look at the comments. I mean, why won't we read in peace. It's a Manga that make us relax and be happy so just be nice in your comments. Everyone can voice their opinion without bringing the other couple down or comparing them. (They're not the same situation so you can't compare) To me, Naruse and Yuki aren't just my favorite couple from this Manga but my favorite over all the couple, in Manga or other thing. :) And sorry, but I don't like Usami and suwa. (I don't like this kind of relationships) =)

I want to thank you a lot team, Omg, you're being so fast. I really respect you.
Jan 29, 2019

My point? I thought it was clear, if you have an opinion, that is great, not everyone has to agree, what is "childish" is when people rant about how other opinions are wrong and that their way is the only correct way.

So i said it once and i will say it again. People need to learn to agree to disagree not pop a blood vessel after every single comment.

Its a great manga with a great story line and people just need to focus on that rather than trying to tear other people down.

So other than that. This is my last comment on this thread, you can choose to bicker but it will be to a brick wall.

Have a nice day.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
The opinion police strikes again.

I already blocked lunaaa so I don't know what they are raving about, but it's probably a lot of hate. Will save me the time to report it. Maybe I should, so they have yet another week to calm their ponies.

At this point, I don't know why the author keeps dragging this manga along. They should have stopped after high school. The college part brings nothing new, because we all know that they will stay together at the end and live happily ever after. It stopped being interesting, but it's still in my Follows, so I still read it when a chapter comes out.
Apr 10, 2020
Omg! He doubted her and told her "show me all the guys you chat with" , if Naruse the one who said it, he'd be "possessive, immature, controlled freak, doesn't trust her, and unhealthy boyfriend" yeah.

@Greyvenn @xsweetmex why are you mentioning me? Who are you? What are you talking about? I don't understand anything. Well, whatever. I just said my opinion about something/people, so who hurt you?
Apr 9, 2020
@xsweetmex Thank you for your mature and nice reply/comment. So, you're right, it's sad to see people hating and acting that childish on this great Manga. Of course I don't give those the right, but don't you think that a comment like "they're better than.." is a triggered and problematic comment? (Also childish) I do think. I opened an account here recently and started reading Namaikizakari here cause I told it's the original site/the chaps are faster here, but I kinda regret, you can see just hateful and nasty comments. Seriously, that's so tiresome. BTW, I did a quick check last time on the section comments and I found this person always writing such hate, triggered and problematic comments. I mean, If you don't like the Manga or get tired of it (not interested) then dropped it, or stop writing hate comments. Just cause you don't like it/anymore gives you no right to ruin it for other people who still enjoy it. Writing a hate comment under every chapter is never a mature and wise move, don't you think so? I do. Doing constantly stuff that hurts others, while you can avoid it is never a wise move. That's what/how I think. Or you can write your opinion in a nice and mature way that doesn't hurt others, so we can all enjoy. But what I see from her is deliberately triggering and insensitivity. In the first place such comments are really childish and indecent to me. I've never write any bad comment under something I don't like. I'd just skip. Well. Have a nice day too. like you, I think I won't comment here anymore. well, maybe.
Sep 21, 2018
wtf is wrong with this comment section?
Am I the only one who thinks Angei, OloweYanmike and lunaaa are the same person?

On a side note, is there an overarching plot at this point? Or are we just reading kind of a slice of life?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
Why the heck so many hate/fight (i call it "treta") here lmao its just a shoujo manga

@Kirin-kun "owow, somebody said i'm wrong, i the GREATEST, guess i'll block them and say that i'll report them lolololol calm down budy lololol ur so childish lololololol"

The thing is you said "I'll recive hate but they ARE the best couple and everyone who says other thing are wrong" rather "Well I think they're the best couple"

english isnt my main language bah
Feb 7, 2020
Usami is soooo lame!!! Love that Naruse was mad he was being put together with Suwa. Naruse is so much better!!! They donโ€™t even compare Suwa is way below him. This was yet another example this relationship is not great but I liked he was jealous at least he cares about her in that sense.
Apr 25, 2020
I mean honestly I don't really understand or see the love between this side couple. Everything they do seems forced.

I still don't understand how they fell in love. She confessed and he SUDDENLY started liking her too? So unrealistic.

Everything was so fast which is so unconvincing, I mean they fell fast, they dated fast, they DID it fast, lamo.. And that's not because the Author rushed since they're just side couple but because of their personalities. I mean, author still make chapters about them so she could have go realistically slow in making them couple, etc.

The girl was after his face and him after a mom, their love is conditional and subjective.

Such a forced couple/relationship.

And the girl has 0 pride really, like, he was the wrong one and doubted her that she cheated/could cheat yet she was willing to apologise??!! Ow'
Apr 25, 2020
@sybil_12 @zergqueen @Kirin-Kun Really? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Better, heartwarming and natural? Where are those, I don't see them ๐Ÿ˜‚ she forced herself on him and then started to run away which made him feel bad so he dated her, but authors always make it look like "he actually loved her, but just didn't realize" , lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Naruse at least gave Yuki all the time till she dated him)
It's funny how people here try to say this couple is good and all, You can clearly see that their hate towards Naruse and Yuki is what make them say so which is so childish ๐Ÿ˜‚
May 9, 2019
@Jonio huh? :p I never said second couple was better, I just said I had no preference lol.

And that Naruse/Yuki's relationship and the other guy isn't what I'd consider a love triangle since Yuki and Naruse love each other and together and the other guy just has a thing for Yuki, but Yuki just sees him as a friend.

I do like how Naruse is so loving about Yuki. I've heard some complain about Naruse being too pushy in this series and why they don't like him, but, I think those people haven't been in a relationship or don't seem to realize how many girls expect the guy to make the advances/be the more proactive/pushy one for things. If Yuki ever says "stop" and "no" and is serious or upset, he has respected her from what I can remember (though it's been awhile since I read the earlier chapters, I should reread it). Still, of manga, I find this one to be a better example of a "healthy relationship" as it isn't a fake "Disney/fantasy" kinda one where there are absolutely no internal conflicts (most fantasy relationships only have conflicts from the outside, but never strife caused by two in the relationship cause they are two different people that might disagree at times). But, it's also not an unhealthy/toxic relationship where one or both are abusive/terrible for the other or treats the other like an object or something. I've ready way too many stories with those (especially Chinese ones... dang CEO Manhuas... ugh)
Jun 29, 2019
I came here expecting to join in the celebration of love between these cute couples and wallowing about my life as a single dog bcos of anime guys like naruse and suwa TvT ... but then I saw this. How in the world did the comment section of a fluffy shoujo manga turned into some kind of a hunger game -,-"
Jan 29, 2020
Oh, Thank you so much for this beautiful/your comment, it really made me happy ๐Ÿ˜Š

I mean, as you said I saw some people who think ill of Naruse, But i don't think so, I mean I don't think he was too pushy and forceful to Yuki. Yeah, Yuki wasn't really bothered when he was kissing her, etc. If she really was, she could have stopped him, or tell him to stop, but she didn't and never really firmly rejected him. When she was saying 'no, etc" it was just cause she's too shy and prideful (not serious) , but in fact she didn't really hate it, she was actually enjoy and kissing him back, etc. She was in love with him actually, and Naruse knew that and knew that she wasn't really bothered by him, else he'd have stopped. In chapter 3 he told her "if your answer is no then just say no" , See how he was waiting for her rejection so he'd move on/stop, but she never really rejected him. And in chapter 28, He let go of her hand (and distanced himself from her) when she showed that pained/sad face (When Noda got injured) from here we can see that if he really realized that he was bothering her/she was upset and bothered by him, he would have stopped.

When they became a couple, he stopped many times (4 times) when he saw that she wasn't ready yet, like in chapter 61, he stopped halfway when he saw her leg trembling. He really cherishs and loves her. :) , Also in chapter 44, when she decided to do it with him cause she was insecure about the distance (she'll be in college while he still in high school) he didn't do it with her, he realized it was out of insecurity not out of love so he didn't do it, he didn't take advantage of her and all. he really is a nice guy, so sweet, considerate and respectful with her. :)

So, idk, maybe those people just like to think of him like that (switch what he did and put them in a bad way) cause he's not their type/they don't like him, or maybe they have some kind of a bad experience regarding that. Whatever, but that really makes me sad ๐Ÿ˜… smh, it ruined it for me.. oh, I mean, I really love Naruse and Yuki. Their personalities, their love, them as a couple, I've never seen more beautiful than them. So yeah, maybe that's why it effects/ed me that much when I heard that stuff about Naruse ๐Ÿ˜… Though I should have more confidence in myself but you know ๐Ÿ˜… That's why your comment made me really happy, it's like it confirmed to me that maybe I was right and all, haha. So thank you ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Please when they comment like that about Naruse, do tell them this. ok, I know I'm being weird but I love them so much, agh, And cause I'm not too good in English, And I can't express myself well/convey my point well, like you.

I really appreciate Naruse, I appreciate them both too much. They're both my type. Yeah, I love the guy who's forward and all. And love the girl who's strong, don't worship the guy/run after him..etc, you know.

And I really love your point about "we see conflicts about the couple and not just outside" , You're so right!!
And when you said "they have a healthy relationship..." Yesss ๐Ÿ˜ญ

All what I see is that Naruse treats her well, nah, treats her so well, like a princess.. :) understands her, respects her, appreciate and admires her, handles her.. So, when I see such comments about him, I feel like they're talking about another Naruse.. a monster Naruse.. oh, people are horrible ๐Ÿ˜…

I'm so sorry I talked too much but I was really happy with your comment. Thank you!!! โค๏ธ
May 9, 2019
@Memelilac haha it's fine you talked a lot and I wouldn't even be able to tell that you are "not too good in English" (so assuming it's not your native language) had you not said cause you write it fine, in my opinion.

Yea, I do think some people just don't like Naruse's type. I dunno, maybe they are jealous cause he's a pretty attractive guy and liked by girls in the manga and good at sports as well as being great in his academics. I've seen some just not like a character cause they are jealous of the character since their own shortcomings in real life don't match up, but that's silly. Well, whatever reason they might not like him, I still think it'd be wrong to say their relationship is bad. It really is good. If anything, Yuki needs her confidence to improve and she needs to be more assertive herself when she wants something (still being used to her years as the eldest sister getting nothing she wants for her younger siblings), but she has been steadily improving in that too.

I really love their relationship and, as you said, how they love and respect each other, but can have issues, but they eventually talk it out as well as make up. They also have their own focuses outside of the relationships like real people. For Shoujo, I think this is one of the best out there :) it's a crime it still doesn't have an anime adaption.
Apr 10, 2020
@Pibata Ohh, thank you for saying that!! I mean I know!! She's the one who posted such childish, hateful, problematic comment then she's like "oh, you can't post your opinion here, I'm tired of those children, gonna report and block them.." @Kirin-Kun pfff, You're the immature one who always has something bad to say about Naruse/Naruse & Yuki, agh. And here even though the chapter isn't about them, You still brought and hated on them, Agh, you're hatefully obsessed with them, It's so pathetic!!
Are you gonna report anyone that tell you you're childish! I mean, you really are childish girl, so!

And this "it's still in my list so I just read when a new chapter comes" sounds so fake, aghh!

And If you think it should have ended in high you should have stopped it in high school.

I mean, you're a hater yet you still reading it, And the first one always (after some hours from posting the chapter, you even surpassed real fans /and mostly first comment, wow, I've never seen such dedication from a hater!

And the childish one who should be blocked from this section comment is no one other than you.

Please read those decent mature comments, see and learn. (Naruse is a great boyfriend, and their relationship is beautiful and healthy, accept it or not) out of your weird making up. =)

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