Cheeky Brat

Active member
May 10, 2020
I like the series and all but I feel like the dramas have been dragging on for too long, like why can't the main couple just be happy in peace... at this point the current problem the two have (at this time I'm on chp 123) will probably be resolved by the two properly and honestly communicating to one another, whether by words or actions, AGAIN. The longer I read this series the more evident I see the same old pattern behind each arc or relationship issue between them replayed. Don't get me wrong, THERE IS CHARACTER GROWTH - it's both realistic and wonderful to see. But for whatever dumb reason it seems neither Naruse or Yuki (especially Yuki) can't be honest with each other when it really counts without causing some sort of fuss. They end up missing each other, it's tiring at this point.

It was understandable in the beginning, but if you were in either of their shoes, you'd expect that you will understand a bit of your S.O.'s feelings after dating them for 2-3 years and act upon that knowledge so any unnecessary misunderstandings can be prevented. From what I see, they don't try fix that core issue of miscommunication, regardless if they're learning about each other or not. I'm not asking for sunshine and flowers in their relationship, but it couldn't hurt to be more upfront with happenings related to (at the very least) Shizuka and Sunohara, since it's so blatantly obvious that neither Yuki and Naruse like the other getting along with them.

Speaking of which, Shizuka's behaviour as of late is become more annoying. He was cute at first, and if the circumstances were different I might've found him even endearing or adorable, but Yuki's taken so please stay 5 metres away from her haha. I genuinely do not enjoy this guy trying to pull moves on a girl who has adamantly expressed that she sees him as not a potential romantic partner at all. Also Usami's latest "stunt" was totally uncalled for, but I suppose the author needed some sort of trigger for a new "misunderstanding" or whatever.

Sigh... The manga could've been wrapped up a couple of arcs back, but if this is going to continue I sincerely hope that the author gives a satisfying closure to this communication issue. At this point I'm primarily looking forward to more Himeno and Usami moments, or even just Himeno. She's adorable and I feel like they could do a lot more with her character since it's not explored in depth as much as current characters.
Feb 7, 2021
hihi, for people who are just now finishing up this manga; the last chapter (124) was released in japan the last week of feburary i believe, it takes a while for translators to get a hold of each manga, scan pages and then gather a team of people to translate it. pls be patient, i doubt it'd been dropped :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
The triangle shit is the worst shit ever. And it's always the FMC who just can't keep the fking distance with another dude who's interested in her when she already has a boyfriend, why would you do that to such a potential romcom manga?
Apr 10, 2023
everytime I came back to read this manga I always feel that it's potential is just wasted more and more. the same shitty love 'triangle' or 'rivals' plot are getting out of hand. yuki isn't a bad person but its amazing how the mangaka could make her so annoying/unlikeable
I’m so late to this but fuck yeah I agree it get too repetitive after chap 100 ot just back and forth at that point
Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2020
I've only read through 62 chapters but goddamn it already feels repetitive, Yuki just doesn't feel to have grown as a character naturally, it's always someone else that's pushing her, and even if she does grow, she always seems to revert back after every mini-arc. It's nice to see that the relationship between Yuki and Naruse has somewhat developed, at least on the kissing and being with each other part, but other than that their emotions, mentality, and trust in their relationship hasn't, moreso on Yuki's end, like she blows a fuse when Naruse's classmate kisses him forcefully, but she doesn't even seem to care when she gets constantly approached by the same guy over and over.

On that note, the worse thing about this series has been the love triangle and the "love rival".
It would've been fine if there only was a basketball rivalry between Naruse and the "love rival", and a bit of the love triangle was fine in the beginning, but to keep the triangle going after the relationship formed, like wtf. This "love rival" gets introduced as a "pure" guy, but he does not understand boundaries at all. Like dude, Yuki already stated that she was in a relationship, and what does he do, constantly approaches her every single time and doesn't even seem to care about her being another person's girlfriend, sure it shows us the "love rival" "regretting" it after, but he just keeps doing the same thing over and over. And Yuki's not totally blameless either, she knows she has a boyfriend, and said boyfriend already said that he doesn't like her getting close with the "love rival" specifically, one would expect her, after the first incident with the "love rival" when she was Naruse's girlfriend, to set boundaries with him, to state in clear words that she was in a relationship and for the "love rival" keep his distance with her, but no, she lets it be, she does nothing, not even a simple gesture of rejection.

This manga had a really good opening and was really good at the beginning but as the chapters went on and I read more and more, it just kept dipping and dipping to the point that reading it was a hassle, the character development don't show much of an improvement, and by what I've seen in this comment section, it looks that way for at least 60 more chapters. I really wanted to like this series, but damn did the author just dropped the ball on this. I want to say that this was a 6.5/10 manga, but in courtesy of the earlier arcs, it has a temporary 7.5/10.
Jan 24, 2024
I really loved the manga, it was my introduction to shoujo stuff, but the biggest flaw to me personally was the lack of allowance for just good times/dates. Everything had to end in an argument or Yuki shutting it down which was disappointing a lot. Overall I loved it though, and I thought the ending was beautifully done.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
you know when you like someone but that person has a really bad habit that comes out sometimes?
a vile vice that the person can't shake off, addiction that shows every now and then
that's this manga
the mangaka is addicted to cheating stories
the main character "accidentally cheats" on her bf multiple times
it's weird because the story stands on its own... then you realize that the drama isn't a plot point, it's an addiction that the mangaka couldn't resist writing in


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